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2023-11-01 06:09 Released in Colombia Colombia

Esfa through Linkedin and Travelocity, and I don't know what broker it is

On Friday the 27th, they contacted me on LinkedIn with a job offer as a Hotel evaluator for a Canadian company Travelocity. The next day on Telegram, Cassandra Davis contacted me to teach me how to use the platform. The job was to complete 40 reviews of different Hotels and they had deluxe packages, which had to be paid in order to qualify them. On October 29, I took the test and it went well, they hooked me. On October 30, they asked me for more and more money to the point of not being able to complete the tasks due to lack of money and until I complete them I cannot withdraw my invested money. They have a customer service where the platform is loaded and where to send an address: TXdGEHuHqBSrJ8YoopG3JW2xSp4Wi5RTsX and Address:TYc2fP7Wbhbdw44YVmNUjuDwyRWPQKFq2PI have not been able to recover my invested money because I have not finished the tasks, but I cannot finish them because I do not have the money, they ask me for 1291 USDT.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Esafa por Linkedin y Travelocity y no se que broker es

El viernes 27 me contactan por LinkedIn con una oferta laboral como Hotel evaluator de una empresa Canadiense Travelocity.Al siguiente día por Telegram me contacta Cassandra Davis para enseñarme a usar la plataforma. El trabajo era completar 40 revisiones de diferentes Hoteles y tenían paquetes delux, lo cuales se debían pagar para poder calificarlos.El 29 de octubre, hice la prueba y me fue bien me engancharon. El 30 de octubre me solicitan mas y mas dinero al punto de no poder completar las tareas por falta de dinero y hasta no realizarlas no puedo retirar mi dinero invertido.Ellos  tienen un servicio al cliente donde se carga la plataforma el donde enviar una dirección: TXdGEHuHqBSrJ8YoopG3JW2xSp4Wi5RTsX  y  Address:TYc2fP7Wbhbdw44YVmNUjuDwyRWPQKFq2PNo he podido recuperar mi dinero invertido por que no he finalizado las tareas, pero no las puedo terminar por que no tengo el dinero, me solicitan 1291 USDT.

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