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2024-03-20 19:49 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

I met a female netizen on Tinder and got scammed

Meet a female netizen through Tinder and exchange Line IDs. We chatted in-depth, and preparing for getting married, the woman mentioned that the honeymoon trip was expensive and then introduced me to making a lot of money by investing in the US stock index. A female netizen introduced the use of the Fox Global trading platform (with USDT) to invest in foreign exchange. During my fund deposit and withdrawal process (Pitopro-Fox Global), a large amount of funds flowed into my account on the Fox Global platform, and only a small amount of funds (USDT168) in the early stage was successfully withdrawn to Pitopro. After investing and operating the Fox Global platform for some time, I applied to withdraw USDT1,000,0004.3 for the first time after making profits. I received a request from Fox Global customer service to pay USDT112,224 in income tax before I can receive the withdrawal and withdraw my account balance again. If you do not pay by the deadline, you will need to pay a 3% late payment fee (per day). I successfully paid income tax to the virtual wallet address designated by Fox Global. A female netizen claimed to help her increase her investment capital and took the initiative to withdraw funds from her Pitopro account to my Fox Global personal platform and provided fund certificates as proof. I promise to return the loan (USD63,994.8) to the female netizen after I can withdraw the investment profit and principal from Fox Global. After the female netizen confirms and agrees to this method, Fox Global customer service requires me to make sure that the loan is not in my name. Only by placing a deposit of USD63,994.8 in your name and re-depositing it can you restart the withdrawal application process. At this time, I was shocked to be deceived.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


透過Tinder認識女性網友並交換Line ID進一步認識深入聊天以結婚為前提下, 女方提到蜜月旅行所費不貲, 進而介紹本人投資美股指數賺大錢女性網友介紹使用Fox Global交易平台(以USDT)投資外匯 本人資金入出金歷程(幣託-Fox Global), 大筆資金流入Fox Global平台之個人帳戶, 僅早期一筆小額資金(USDT168)成功出金到幣託(Pitopro)本人經過一段時間投資操作Fox Global平台, 並獲利後首度申請出金USDT1,000,0004.3 本人收到Fox Global客服要求先繳納所得稅金USDT112,224, 方能收到所提出之出金金額及再次提領帳戶餘額, 若過期限不繳納則需補繳3%滯納金(每天)成功繳納所得稅金到 Fox Global指定之虛擬錢包地址女性網友自稱幫本人提高投資本金, 主動提領其幣託帳戶資金到我的Fox Global個人平台並提供資金憑證作為證明本人承諾待我能從Fox Global出金投資獲利及本金後, 隨即將借款(USD63,994.8)返還女性網友, 並經女性確認且同意此方式Fox Global客服要求本人必須對該筆非本人名下儲值金USD63,994.8以本人名義進行重新儲值, 方能重新啟動所提之出金申請流程此時啥驚覺被騙

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