US jobs surge casts doubt over interest rate cuts

US employers added 272,000 jobs in May which was far higher than economists expected.

settore 2024-06-07 13:26

Fatal bear attack a first in California history

A woman found dead in her home was initially thought to have died before the animals arrival.

settore 2024-06-07 12:07

Climate change: Ban fossil fuel advertising says UN chief

The UN leaders call comes as new data highlights the worrying pace of global warming.

settore 2024-06-05 14:31

Rupee off record low on likely intervention, Iranian official's comment

MUMBAI, April 19 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee recovered after slipping to a record low on Friday, on

settore 2024-04-19 06:06

India's Infosys forecasts downbeat revenue as spending falters

BENGALURU, April 18 (Reuters) - Indias No.2 software services exporter Infosys (INFY.NS)New Tab, ope

settore 2024-04-18 14:55

Germany: Reforming The Debt Brake Could Raise Public Investment And Support Growth

Germanys energy-intensive industries, low investment, ageing population and weak growth, rather than high government debt, represent challenges to its AAA credit rating – hence the need to reform the debt brake.

settore 2024-02-15 18:13

Rupee Closed Unchanged As Traders Awaited The Release Of US Inflation Data

# trading range for the day is 83.01-83.09. # Rupee closed unchanged as traders awaited the release

settore 2024-02-14 19:53

Gold Monthly: Assessing Fed Policy and Geopolitical Risks

has been trading in a narrow range so far this year amid a lack of clarity surrounding the timing of

settore 2024-02-14 02:40

Rupee Steadied As An Uptick In Dollar Index Eroded Early Gains

# trading range for the day is 82.99-83.11.# Rupee ended little changed as an uptick in eroded the l

settore 2024-02-13 20:02

Oil: Brent Breaks Above US$80/bbl

The oil market rallied as hopes of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas fadeEnergy - Oil Rallies as

settore 2024-02-10 02:14

Rupee Remained In Range Amid Robust Influxes Of Foreign Currency And A Hawkish RBI

# trading range for the day is 82.89-83.13.# Rupee remained in range amid robust influxes of foreign

settore 2024-02-09 19:40

Rupee Gained On The Back Of Dollar Sales From Two Large Foreign Banks.

# trading range for the day is 82.93-83.17.# Rupee gained on the back of dollar sales from two large

settore 2024-02-08 19:43

Rupee Declined Because Of Stronger Dollar Demand And A Rise In US Treasury Yields.

# trading range for the day is 82.91-83.33.# Rupee fell weighed down by dollar demand from local oil

settore 2024-02-07 19:50

Rupee Plummeted Due To Dollar Demand From Local Oil Businesses

# trading range for the day is 82.91-83.33.# Rupee fell weighed down by dollar demand from local oil

settore 2024-02-06 20:27

Rupee Rose Amid Positive Sentiment Following The Release Of The Domestic Budget.

# trading range for the day is 82.84-83.08.# Rupee strengthened amid positive sentiment following th

settore 2024-02-05 20:01

Rupee Ended Higher, Buoyed By Dollar Sales From Both Local And Foreign Banks

# trading range for the day is 83.02-83.28.# Rupee ended higher, buoyed by dollar sales from both lo

settore 2024-02-01 20:27

Rupee Hovered In A Tight Range As Traders Awaited The Outcome Of Fed Meeting

# trading range for the day is 83.18-83.3.# Rupee hovered in a tight range as traders awaited the ou

settore 2024-01-30 19:55

Rupee Ended Little Changed, Awaiting Fresh Cues For Directional Momentum

# trading range for the day is 83.14-83.28. # Rupee ended little changed, awaiting fresh cues for di

settore 2024-01-29 20:14

CEE Economic Outlook: Recovering Growth, Diverging Fiscal Paths, and Persistent Geopolitical Risks

Scope Ratings is projecting a rebound in CEE-11 growth from an estimated, weak 0.7% in 2023 to 2.5% this year and 3% in 2025. Growth will be driven by lower inflation and higher real wages.

settore 2024-01-26 05:49

Rupee Ended Marginally Higher Aided By A Slight Uptick In The Chinese Yuan

# trading range for the day is 83.08-83.2.# Rupee ended marginally higher aided by a slight uptick i

settore 2024-01-25 20:14

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