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Hustlers University

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 5672511751
10 Paternoster Sq., London EC4M 7LS, United Kingdom


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Hustlers University · Company Summary

Hustlers University Review Summary
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation No Regulation
Market Instruments Forex
Minimum Deposit $1000
Service Fee 15%
Customer Support Phone: +15672511751
Live Chat

What is Hustlers University?

Hustlers University, registered in the United Kingdom, is a broker with three account types, offering specialized support and trading services for forex traders, It claims to be one of the best, most beneficial, and brilliantly successful companies in the industry of forex trading and investing. However, Hustlers University is not available to the general public and is open only to qualified members of Absolute Options. The use of this site is restricted to members and to individuals personally invited by them. Additionally, operating without valid regulation is a huge drawback.

Hustlers University's homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Three Account Types
  • No Regulation
  • Instant Trading
  • High Service Fee
  • Multiple Contact Channels
  • Unavailable to the General Public
  • Bitcoin Transaction
  • Limited Information


  • Three Account Types: Three accounts offer flexibility for different investment levels and risk tolerances.

  • Instant Trading: All the dealings are transparent and clients can see all their live trades in real time.

  • Multiple Contact Channels: Multiple ways to reach customer support, including phone, Email, and live chat can help resolve issues and get assistance.

  • Bitcoin Transaction: Hustlers University performs transactions with Bitcoin. The blockchain is a safe, secure, and decentralized system.


  • No Regulation: This raises concerns about the legitimacy and safety of the platform, as regulated platforms are subject to stricter oversight and investor protection rules.

  • High Service Fee (15%): This is a significant cost compared to other investment options, and it's important to weigh the potential benefits against this fee.

  • Unavailable to the General Public: Hustlers University is not available to the general public and is open only to qualified members of Absolute Options. The use of this site is restricted to members and to individuals personally invited by them.

  • Limited Information: Information about leverage, spread, and trading platforms can not be found, making it difficult to make an informed decision.

Is Hustlers University Safe or a Scam?

Transactions with Hustlers University involves significant risks. Firstly, the lack of regulation is a significant red flag. Operating outside regulatory oversight raises questions about the platform's accountability and adherence to industry standards. The high service fee and minimum deposit further compound these concerns, as they are significantly higher than those of many other investment options, potentially limiting accessibility and raising questions about the platform's intentions.

No license

Market Instruments

Hustlers University focuses on the forex market, which involves trading currency pairs. Forex trading allows traders to speculate on the exchange rate between two currencies. Traders can profit from the fluctuations in exchange rates by buying or selling currency pairs.

Apart from this, there is no more information about the market instruments of Hustlers University.


Account Types

Hustlers University offers three distinct account types tailored to traders with varying levels of experience and investment goals.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Minimum Profit (Claimed)
Silver $1,000 $9,500
Gold $2,500 $19,540
Premium $3,500 $32,450

The Silver Account, requiring a minimum deposit of $1,000, serves as an entry-level option. This account is ideal for those new to forex trading or with limited trading experience. The claimed minimum profit for the Silver Account is $9,500.

The Gold Account, requiring a minimum deposit of $2,500, is suitable for traders with some experience in forex trading who are looking to expand their trading capabilities. The claimed minimum profit for the Gold Account is $19,540.

The Premium Account is the highest-tier offering from Hustlers University, requiring a minimum deposit of $3,500. This account is designed for experienced traders looking for premium trading experience. The claimed minimum profit for the Premium Account is $32,450.

However, the high profits claimed are a red flag that indicates risks to your fund safety. Guaranteed profits in financial markets are highly unlikely and misleading.

Account Types

Service Fee

Hustlers University imposes a service usage fee of 15% of the accumulated profit in your account to process withdrawal requests following a successful trading session. This fee is deducted from your profits before the withdrawal is processed, ensuring that you receive the remaining balance.

Customer Service

Hustlers University provides comprehensive customer service through multiple channels to assist users with their inquiries and support needs.

Users can contact customer service via phone at +15672511751 to speak directly with a customer service representative for immediate assistance during operating hours.

Additionally, users can reach out to customer service via email at

The platform also offers a live chat feature on its website for real-time communication with a customer service representative.


In conclusion, Hustlers University presents itself as a specialized forex trading platform offering tailored support and services. However, several red flags warrant careful consideration. The operation without regulation, the high service fee of 15%, the platform's exclusivity, limited information, and high claimed profits are all risks to your trading safety.

We advise you to seek professional advice and consider alternative, regulated platforms to mitigate these risks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is Hustlers University regulated?

A: No.

Q: What are the minimum deposit requirements for Hustlers University?

A: $1000.

Q: What is the service fee of Hustlers University?

A: Hustlers University imposes a service fee of 15% of the accumulated profit in your account for processing withdrawal requests.

Q: Is Hustlers University available to the general public?

A: No, Hustlers University is open only to qualified members of Absolute Options and individuals personally invited by them.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Hustlers University

Company Abbreviation

Hustlers University

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company
  • +1 5672511751









Company address
  • 10 Paternoster Sq., London EC4M 7LS, United Kingdom









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
I tried trading with Hustlers University 6 months ago, and it wasn't good. For example, I tried to make a trade, but their system was so slow and hard to use that I ended up losing money. When I tried to get help or ask questions by email, they took days to reply. Very terrible experience.
2024-02-23 15:48
more than one year
Happy to share my experience with Hustlers University. I think it's a very good cryptocurrency broker and their live chat support is excellent and makes me feel very at ease. The trading platform interface is clear and easy to understand, and the functions are very rich. Their execution speed is also fast and I am very happy with my trading results.
2023-03-27 18:25
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