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New Zealand|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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6 York Street, Parnell Auckland, 1052 , New Zealand


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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DIOPTION · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area New Zealand
Founded year 2021
Company Name DIOPTION
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit $1,000
Investment Plans - 35% Total Profit Return Plan: Minimum investment of $1,000, total profit return of 35%.- 50% Total Profit Return Plan: Minimum investment of $1,000, total profit return of 50%. - 100% Total Profit Return Plan: Minimum investment of $1,000, total profit return of 100%.
Customer Support Email
Payment Methods Bitcoin
Website Status Down (At the time of information)


DIOPTION, a company established in 2021 and headquartered in New Zealand, operates as an unregulated broker, offering enticing investment plans to its clients. With a minimum deposit requirement of $1,000, investors can choose from three distinct plans, each promising varying levels of profit returns: 35%, 50%, or even 100% on their initial investment. Despite its unregulated status, DIOPTION provides customer support via email at and exclusively accepts Bitcoin for transactions. However, its website status is currently down, which may raise concerns about accessibility and reliability. Therefore, investors should carefully assess the risks and consider alternatives before engaging with DIOPTION.



DIOPTION operates as an unregulated broker, lacking oversight from financial authorities. Investing with unregulated brokers poses higher risks as they may not adhere to industry standards or offer investor protection measures. Traders should exercise caution and consider regulated alternatives to ensure the safety of their investments.


Pros and Cons

DIOPTION presents investors with enticing investment plans, offering potential profit returns of up to 100% on their initial investment. However, as an unregulated broker, it lacks oversight from financial authorities, posing higher risks for investors. While the exclusive use of Bitcoin streamlines deposit and withdrawal processes, the minimum investment requirement of $1,000 may deter some investors. Additionally, the broker's suspicious website downtime raises concerns about reliability and transparency. Therefore, investors should carefully weigh the potential returns against the associated risks before engaging with DIOPTION.

Pros Cons
  • Offers investment plans with high returns
  • Operates as an unregulated broker, lacking oversight
  • Exclusive use of Bitcoin for transactions
  • Potential higher risks for investors due to lack of regulation
  • Streamlined deposit and withdrawal
  • Minimum investment requirement of $1,000 may deter some investors
  • Suspicious website downtime raises concerns about reliability
  • Limited transparency regarding operational practices and security

Investment Plans

Investment Plans

DIOPTION offers three distinct investment plans:

  1. 35% Total Profit Return Plan: With a minimum investment of $1,000, investors can expect a total profit return of 35% on their initial investment.

  2. 50% Total Profit Return Plan: Investors can opt for this plan with the same minimum investment of $1,000, which promises a total profit return of 50%.

  3. 100% Total Profit Return Plan: For those seeking higher returns, DIOPTION provides a plan where investors can anticipate doubling their initial investment, yielding a total profit return of 100%.

Each plan provides investors with varying levels of potential returns, catering to different risk appetites and investment goals. However, investors should carefully consider the associated risks and conduct due diligence before deciding on a plan.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Deposit & Withdrawal

As DIOPTION exclusively deals in Bitcoin, the deposit and withdrawal processes are tailored to cryptocurrency transactions:


  1. To deposit funds, investors transfer Bitcoin from their personal wallet or exchange account to DIOPTION's designated Bitcoin wallet address.

  2. After initiating the transfer, the Bitcoin network verifies and processes the transaction, typically within minutes to a few hours.

  3. Once the deposit is confirmed on the blockchain, the funds reflect in the investor's DIOPTION account, allowing them to proceed with their chosen investment plan.


  1. To withdraw funds, investors submit a withdrawal request through the DIOPTION platform, specifying the amount of Bitcoin they wish to withdraw.

  2. DIOPTION processes the withdrawal request internally and transfers the requested Bitcoin amount to the investor's designated Bitcoin wallet address.

  3. The withdrawal process typically takes a similar amount of time as deposits, with Bitcoin transactions being confirmed on the blockchain within minutes to hours.

Given the decentralized and borderless nature of Bitcoin, deposit and withdrawal transactions are typically faster and more efficient compared to traditional fiat currency transactions. However, investors should remain vigilant regarding security practices to safeguard their cryptocurrency holdings.

Customer Support

DIOPTION's customer support operates primarily through email, with the designated email address support@dioption.comserving as the primary point of contact for inquiries, assistance, and issue resolution. Customers can reach out to this email address with their queries related to account management, investment plans, deposit and withdrawal processes, technical support, and any other concerns they may have. DIOPTION aims to provide timely responses and assistance to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience for its users. Additionally, depending on the broker's policies, there may be other channels of communication such as live chat or telephone support to further assist customers.

Customer Support


In conclusion, DIOPTION presents itself as an unregulated broker offering enticing investment plans exclusively in Bitcoin. While its investment options may appeal to some investors seeking high returns, the lack of regulation and oversight poses significant risks. Additionally, the exclusive reliance on Bitcoin for deposits and withdrawals, coupled with a suspicious website downtime, raises concerns about the broker's reliability and transparency. Investors should exercise caution and consider regulated alternatives to mitigate potential risks and safeguard their investments effectively.


Q1: Is DIOPTION regulated by any financial authorities?

A1: No, DIOPTION operates as an unregulated broker, lacking oversight from financial regulators.

Q2: What are the minimum investment requirements for DIOPTION's investment plans?

A2: The minimum investment for all investment plans offered by DIOPTION is $1,000.

Q3: How do I deposit funds into my DIOPTION account?

A3: To deposit funds, transfer Bitcoin from your personal wallet or exchange account to DIOPTION's designated Bitcoin wallet address.

Q4: What is the withdrawal process for DIOPTION?

A4: To withdraw funds, submit a withdrawal request through the DIOPTION platform, specifying the amount of Bitcoin you wish to withdraw. The requested Bitcoin amount will be transferred to your designated Bitcoin wallet address.

Q5: How can I contact DIOPTION's customer support?

A5: DIOPTION's customer support primarily operates through email. You can reach out to them at for inquiries, assistance, and issue resolution.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

New Zealand

Company website
Phone of the company






Company address
  • 6 York Street, Parnell Auckland, 1052 , New Zealand









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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A Facebook friends recommended me here, but I have experienced the worst trading experience here the last two months, terrible trading conditions, bad signals, irresponsible customer service. **** it!
2023-03-07 12:13
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