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United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 (541) 656‑0549
Washington, USA


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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POWER FX · Company Summary

Aspect Details
Registered Country Washington, USA
Company Name POWER FX
Regulation Unregulated
Trading Platforms Not specified (assumed based on standard industry offerings such as MT4/MT5 or web-based platforms)
Tradable Assets Currency pairs, CFDs, Forex options
Customer Support Phone: +1 (541) 656-0549, Email:
Website Down
Reputation Lack of detailed information; concerns over transparency and reliability


POWER FX is a Forex broker based in Washington, USA, and operates without any formal regulation. The company offers trading in a variety of instruments such as currency pairs, CFDs, and Forex options, but specific details about trading platforms are not disclosed. Customer support is accessible via phone and email. Currently, the company's website is down, raising concerns about its reliability and transparency. The lack of detailed information and regulatory oversight contributes to potential risks regarding the broker's credibility.



POWER FX operates as a broker without any formal regulation, which means it isn't overseen by any financial regulatory body. This lack of oversight could expose clients to potential risks, including less protection in financial disputes. Clients should be cautious and thoroughly research the broker's credibility and reliability before engaging in any transactions.


Pros and Cons

Trading with POWER FX has its advantages and disadvantages. The variety of market instruments, including currency pairs, CFDs, and Forex options, provides traders with many opportunities for market engagement and diversification. Additionally, accessible customer support via phone and email can be beneficial for resolving issues and maintaining communication. However, the lack of regulatory oversight and the absence of a detailed physical address raise significant concerns about the brokers credibility and the security of client funds. The unavailability of their website adds to the concerns, indicating potential operational and stability issues.

Pros Cons
  • Offers a wide range of market instruments.
  • Operates without formal regulation.
  • Accessible customer support via phone and email.
  • Lacks detailed physical location information.
  • Website unavailability, raising reliability concerns.

Market Instruments

POWER FX, like many Forex brokers, offers a variety of main market instruments that traders can use to participate in currency trading. These typically include:

  1. Currency Pairs: This is the primary instrument in Forex trading, involving the exchange of one currency for another. POWER FX may offer major pairs (like EUR/USD, USD/JPY), minor pairs, and possibly exotic pairs involving less commonly traded currencies.

  2. CFDs (Contracts for Difference): These allow traders to speculate on the price movements of currencies without actually owning the underlying assets. CFDs can also extend to other markets like indices, commodities, and stocks.

  3. Forex Options: Options provide traders the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a currency at a predetermined price before a certain date. This can be a way to hedge against other positions or to speculate on future movements.

Market Instruments

Customer Support

POWER FX provides customer support through several channels, including telephone and email, which indicates an attempt to be accessible to its clients. The phone number provided (+1 (541) 656-0549) suggests that they may be based in or cater to clients within the United States. Additionally, they offer support via email through, which allows for more detailed inquiries and potentially a record of communications, useful for resolving more complex issues.

Customer Support

However, the company only lists a general location of Washington, USA, as its address and does not provide more specific details commonly disclosed by other brokers. This lack of detailed physical location information might be a concern for some potential clients looking for greater transparency and assurance of the broker's legitimacy and stability. It's important for clients and potential users to consider this aspect when evaluating the trustworthiness and reliability of POWER FX's services.


In conclusion, POWER FX offers a range of market instruments typical of Forex brokers, including currency pairs, CFDs, and options, catering to diverse trading strategies. However, the broker operates without formal regulation, which raises concerns about the security of client funds and dispute resolution. Additionally, the limited disclosure of its physical location and the current unavailability of its website further contribute to potential reliability and transparency issues. Potential clients should exercise caution and perform thorough due diligence before committing to trade with POWER FX, considering these significant drawbacks.


Q1: What types of market instruments does POWER FX offer?

A1: POWER FX provides a variety of trading instruments, including currency pairs (major, minor, and exotic), CFDs (Contracts for Difference) on currencies, indices, commodities, and stocks, as well as Forex options which allow trading on future currency values without outright ownership.

Q2: Is POWER FX regulated?

A2: No, POWER FX operates without any formal regulation. This lack of oversight means there is no regulatory body ensuring that the broker adheres to market standards or protecting clients in financial disputes.

Q3: How can I contact POWER FX's customer support?

A3: Customers can reach POWER FX's support team by phone at +1 (541) 656-0549 or via email at However, detailed physical address information is not provided.

Q4: What are the risks of trading with an unregulated broker like POWER FX?

A4: Trading with an unregulated broker exposes traders to risks such as lack of financial security, potential issues with fund withdrawal, and minimal recourse in case of disputes. The absence of regulatory protection can lead to significant financial losses.

Q5: Why is it concerning that POWER FX's website is down?

A5: The website being down raises red flags regarding the brokers operational stability and reliability. It can hinder client access to their accounts and support services, and may indicate deeper financial or technical issues within the company.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company
  • +1 (541) 656‑0549









Company address
  • Washington, USA









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
This is a scam company, don't trust them! Check out their terms and conditions or even the commissions and you will find no details in the form of a schedule of fees, a huge red flag!
2023-02-15 14:50
more than one year
They scammed me out of $20k+ via WhatsApp, imposter Facebook pages under Trey’s Trades/Trey Collins, and the website called Brooksignal, which has since been closed down. They claim I have to pay more money to get my money and the commission can’t come out of the money they’re holding or what they claim to be profits made off my “investment”.
2023-01-13 08:43
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