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China|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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WIX · Company Summary

Note: WIX official site - is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

WIX Review Summary in 3 Points
Registered Country/Region China
Regulation Unregulated
Customer Support None

What is WIX?


WIX, short for WORLDWIDE COMMERCIAL FINANCE, is a digital trading platform in China, has been the subject of severe reservations due to issues such as their unresponsive website and the the absence of valid regulations.

This article provides an in-depth examination of WIX, assessing the many elements of their service. If you're considering using this platform, we suggest a comprehensive read to fully appreciate potential risks and benefits. The article concludes with a summary of key points and aspects, providing a useful tool for those exploring the expansive world of online trading.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
None • Unregulated
• Website inaccessible
• Lack of transparency
• No customer support
• Negative review from client


  • Unregulated: Observably, WIX operates without regulatory oversight. The lack of regulation raises serious concerns about the security of clients' funds and their trading operations. Regulatory supervision assures traders of adherence to best practices and standards in the industry.

  • Website Inaccessible: The inaccessibility of WIX' website can significantly hamper the user experience as it restricts them from gaining essential information about the broker's services and features.

  • Lack of Transparency: The lack of lucidity presented by WIX, particularly in their policies, fees, and practices, can make it an uphill task for traders to make informed decisions and affect trust in the platform.

  • No Customer Support: WIX's lack of customer support is a substantial setback in today's technology-advanced world. Immediate access to help for queries or issues becomes paramount in a financial context.

  • Negative Reviews from Clients: A report of unable to withdraw is a deeper issue which can significantly contribute to the overall reputation and reliability of a broker.

Is WIX Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like WIX or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a brokerage:

  • Regulatory sight: At present, this broker is running without any legitimate regulatory supervision, casting doubts over its legitimacy and dependability. Such worries are heightened due to the issue of an inaccessible broker's website.

No license
  • User feedback: A report of unable to withdraw on WikiFX raises questions about the company's operational dependability and liability which should be a red fag to interested traders.

  • Security measures: Currently, there is no publicly available information regarding the security measures implemented by this broker.

In the end, the decision to trade with WIX is a personal one that requires a thorough assessment of the advantages and disadvantages before making a final decision.

User Exposure

One report regarding withdrawal issues on WikiFX calls for traders' vigilance. Before deciding to trade with the company, we highly suggest traders conduct a thorough examination of all the pertinent information. Our platform tries to support your trading endeavors effectively. If you stumble upon dishonest brokers or have been a victim of such fraudulent, we strongly encourage you to report through our “Exposure” section. Your input is essential to our pursuit of transparency, and our skilled team will endeavor to address your reports swiftly.

User Exposure

Customer Service

WIX notably lacks any customer service channels. This absence of support is a significant disadvantage for users, particularly in situations where immediate and timely assistance is critical.


WIX, a trading platform based in China, presents itself as an online trading solution. However, its unregulated status raises potential risks and legal implications for traders. Coupled with this regulatory deficiency, other issues such as website inaccessibility and negative client feedback depict a lack of professionalism, impacting a user's overall experience.

It is extremely important to ensure adherence to regulatory standards and maintain transparency in operations when participating in online trading. Therefore, it's a better decision for you to explore alternative, more reliable and professional platforms that uphold these fundamental principles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is WIX regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently under no valid regulations.
Q 2: Is WIX a good broker for beginners?
A 2: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated status, but also because of its unavailable website, absence of customer support, lack of transparency and negative review from client.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

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more than one year
I'm a user of WIX Forex Trading, and I must say my experience has been disappointing. The account setup lacked flexibility, missing fractional shares, and after canceling the trial, they charged me twice for a £10 "subscription fee." Their technical capabilities are seriously lacking. Apparently, I have to wait until October for a refund after their formal investigation
2024-02-01 19:08
more than one year
The account manager of WIX once contacted me, and I blocked him because I thought the company was unreliable. Looking back today, the company has closed down! fraud!
2023-02-23 11:22
more than one year
If you see my comment, there is no need to waste more time here, as the WIX website is closed and we can see the report of a victim of their scams. I hope you can get your money back as soon as possible.
2023-02-14 15:56
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