Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App


Entry Time 2023-06-26

Time Machine


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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud gangs committed crimes, tricked people into operating international market, and operated with full positions for others, resulting in the inability to close positions. So far, they have been unable to withdraw money, I went bankrupt, and suffered huge losses

In QQ, I was pulled into the WeChat by a man named Buwangchuxin (Big brother Jun), my stock was operated by Qiao Feng and Wang Shoucheng. Later they said the market was not good and he wanted to do CSI 300 and international gold. I was afraid of losing money and didn't intend to do the international market. Jun, who seemed enthusiastic, agreed to help me operate, so under his urging countless times, I transferred 70,000 US dollars, and I did make a lot of money during the process. One day he said that he would not help me with the operation, and asked Lao Wang to operate. One night before going to bed, I operated three orders by myself, and the prepayment ratio was more than 800. When I woke up in the morning, the prepayment ratio of the full warehouse operation became 101. I couldn’t balance it. I asked Wnag and he said that he just wanted to help me earn more money and operate more radically. I asked him to take that responsibility, but he refused it. He asked me to handle it myself. He asked Manager He, he said he needed to add 91,000 to close the position, so he poured all his money and added 91,000, but still couldn’t close the position. He asked Manager He again and said that he needed to add another 200,000, but he still couldn’t close the position, so he added another 50,000 , barely closed the position. When I closed all the orders and operated withdrawal, I realized that there was no withdrawal at all. Manager He said that there was a risk of theft due to abnormal login operation accounts, and I needed to add 20,000 US dollars for authentication and exchange. I was crazy, I had already given up everything, and I was crazy about borrowing money. Qiao Feng said that the application should be reported to the higher-level department for negotiation. I applied immediately, but at the same time I found that my trading account had been closed.

2023-07-02 18:24


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