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Max Options Trading

China|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Influence index NO.1

United States 3.44

Surpassed 97.15% brokers

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No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Max Options Trading · Company Summary

Max Options Trading Basic Information
Company Name Max Options Trading
Founded 2020
Headquarters China
Regulations Not regulated
Tradable Assets Options
Trading Tools The Ultimate Trade Tracker, Max's Credit Spread Guide
Customer Support Email (
Education Resources Courses, Blogs

Overview of Max Options Trading

Max Options Trading, founded in 2020 and based in China, is a specialized online platform focusing on options trading. Despite providing traders with flexibility and accessibility, it's crucial to highlight that the platform lacks regulatory oversight. Therefore, traders are urged to exercise caution, considering the inherent risks associated with unregulated trading.

Overview of Max Options Trading

Is Max Options Trading Legit?

Max Options Trading is not regulated. It's essential to emphasize that Max Options Trading operates without valid regulation, indicating a lack of oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. Traders must exercise caution and acknowledge the associated risks when contemplating trading with an unregulated broker. These risks may include limited options for resolving disputes, potential concerns regarding fund safety and security, and a lack of transparency in the broker's operations. To ensure a safer and more secure trading experience, traders are advised to conduct thorough research and carefully consider a broker's regulatory status before engaging in trading activities.

Is Max Options Trading Legit?

Pros and Cons

Max Options Trading offers traders a suite of trading tools and educational resources to support their options trading endeavors, representing a significant advantage for traders seeking to enhance their skills and strategies. However, the absence of regulatory oversight is a notable drawback, potentially subjecting traders to increased risks due to the lack of supervision from recognized financial authorities. Furthermore, the limited availability of customer support options, primarily through email, may hinder traders seeking immediate assistance or resolution to their queries. Additionally, the platform's lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures raises concerns about reliability and accountability. Moreover, unclear information on account types further adds to the ambiguity surrounding trading terms, potentially complicating the decision-making process for traders.

Pros Cons
  • Provides trading tools and educational resources
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Limited customer support options, primarily through email
  • Lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures
  • Unclear information on account types

Trading Instruments

Max Options Trading provides access to the Stock Dads Membership (Discord). This membership offers traders a unique opportunity to participate in the options market, particularly focusing on options selling plays.

Trading Instruments

Trading Tools

Max Options Trading provides traders with essential trading tools to enhance their options trading strategies:

  1. The Ultimate Trade Tracker:

    Priced at $30, this trade tracker is tailored for options selling using the MOT method. It includes detailed instructions on how to effectively use the tracker and features specific trackers for the Iron Condor Strategy, 0DTE Spreads Strategy, and Wheel Strategy.

  2. Max's Credit Spread Guide:

    Available for $39, this guide offers a 12-step credit spread strategy curated by Max. It includes a downloadable eBook outlining the strategy's intricacies and emphasizes mastering credit spreads to optimize trading outcomes. Additionally, the guide provides insights on avoiding Pattern Day Trader restrictions and effectively executing Iron Condor strategies.

Trading tools

Educational Resources

Max Options Trading offers educational resources tailored to enhance traders' understanding and proficiency in options trading:

  1. Intro to Options Course:

    Max Options Trading provides an introductory course on options trading, which serves as an ideal starting point for new options traders.

  2. Options Trading Blog:

    The platform features an options trading blog, offering a collection of educational articles aimed at enriching traders' trading experiences.

Educational Resources

Customer Support

Max Options Trading offers customer support via email at, providing traders with a direct channel to reach out with any questions or inquiries they may have. However, traders are advised to allow some time between responses due to the high volume of inquiries.

Customer Support


In summary, Max Options Trading provides traders with a suite of trading tools and educational resources, enhancing their options trading capabilities. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses risks, and limited customer support options may hinder timely assistance. Additionally, the platform's lack of transparency regarding company policies and unclear information on account types could complicate traders' decision-making processes. Traders are advised to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and seek clarification before engaging with Max Options Trading to ensure a safer trading experience.


Q: Is Max Options Trading regulated?

A: No, Max Options Trading operates without regulation, lacking oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What trading instruments are available on Max Options Trading?

A: Max Options Trading specializes in options trading.

Q: How can I contact Max Options Trading's customer support?

A: You can reach Max Options Trading's customer support primarily through email at

Q: What educational resources does Max Options Trading offer?

A: Max Options Trading provides educational resources designed to improve traders' comprehension and expertise in options trading, including an Intro to Options Course and an Options Trading Blog.

Risk Warning

Trading online carries substantial risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment. It's essential to understand these risks fully before engaging in any trading activity. Please be aware that the information provided in this review might change due to updates in the company's policies and services. Additionally, the date of this review's generation is crucial, as information may have evolved since then. Therefore, it's recommended that readers always verify the latest information directly from the company before making any decisions or taking action. Ultimately, the reader bears sole responsibility for utilizing the information provided in this review.

Broker Information

Company Name

Max Options Trading

Company Abbreviation

Max Options Trading

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
I've been using Max Options Trading for a while now, and my experience has been pretty decent overall. The application works well, and their customer support system is on point. They are quick to assist as long as you play by the rules. Deposits and withdrawals are smooth, which is a plus.
2024-01-12 18:28
more than one year
No manipulation of data during fundamental events, but I have to say, its educational resources offered is complicated and difficult to understand.
2023-03-01 09:20
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