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United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Self-developed|Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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KFCP · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year Within 1 year
Regulation Not regulated, lacks valid regulation
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage 1:400
Spreads Base trading spreads as low as 0
Trading Platforms Comprehensive CFD trading platform
Tradable Assets Stocks, Futures, Crude Oil, Gold, Bitcoin, Currencies
Account Types Comprehensive Account, Finance Account, Financial STP Account
Demo Account Available with $100,000 virtual capital
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Not specified
Educational Tools Economic events calendar, Analyst View (AOI), Adaptive Candle Diagram (AC), Adaptive Trend Indicator (AIX)

Overview of KFCP

KFCP GLOBAL LIMITED is an unregulated trading company based in the United Kingdom, operating for less than a year. It lacks valid regulation and holds an unauthorized license, according to the United States National Futures Association (NFA). Potential customers should exercise caution due to associated risks when dealing with this unregulated entity. The company offers a range of market instruments, including stocks, futures contracts, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currencies.

KFCP provides different account types, such as Comprehensive Account, Finance Account, and Financial STP Account, catering to various trading preferences and risk appetites. Additionally, a demo account is available for practice trading. The platform offers a comprehensive CFD trading solution accessible on various devices, providing original spread quotes, high-speed order execution, and access to over 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis tools for chart analysis.

While KFCP allows traders to engage in speculative trading, its significant financial leverage with a debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400 amplifies potential returns but also increases risk due to higher debt levels. The platform offers limited information about spreads and deposit/withdrawal processes, which should be considered by potential users. Customer support is available through email.


Pros and Cons

KFCP offers several advantages and disadvantages for traders. On the positive side, the platform provides access to a diverse range of market instruments, including stocks, futures, and cryptocurrencies, allowing users to explore various trading opportunities. Additionally, KFCP offers a demo account for practice trading, enabling users to refine their strategies without risking real money. Moreover, the platform offers different account types to accommodate various trading preferences and risk appetites. Traders can benefit from competitive spreads starting at 0 pips and can access the trading platform on multiple devices, including mobile, desktop, and web. KFCP collaborates with Trading Central to provide automated investment analysis tools for informed decision-making. However, there are significant drawbacks as well, such as the lack of valid regulation and an unauthorized license, potentially posing risks for customers. Additionally, the platform demonstrates a high financial leverage with a debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400, which may amplify returns but also increases the risk associated with higher debt levels. Furthermore, information on deposit and withdrawal processes is limited, and the exact trading platform spreads are unspecified. Customer support is also restricted to email communication. It is crucial for potential users to be aware of these pros and cons before engaging with KFCP.

Pros Cons
Access to a range of market instruments Lack of valid regulation and unauthorized license
Demo account for practice trading High financial leverage (debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400)
Offers different account types to cater to various trading preferences and risk appetites Limited information on deposit and withdrawal processes
Spreads from 0 pips Unspecified trading platform spreads
Mobile, desktop, and web trading platform access Limited customer support through email
Collaborates with Trading Central for automated investment analysis tools Lack of regulation by the United States NFA
Access to educational tools for informed decision-making Limited information on trading conditions

Is KFCP Legit?

KFCP GLOBAL LIMITED is not regulated and lacks valid regulation, as verified by the United States National Futures Association (NFA). The company holds an unauthorized license, and its business scope exceeds the permissible limits defined by the NFA. Therefore, potential customers should exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when dealing with this unregulated entity.


Market Instruments

STOCKS: KFCP provides access to a range of stocks from different companies. Some examples of the stocks available for trading are Alphabet, Inc. (2952.7700, -0.37%), Microsoft, Corp. (333.1000, -0.56%), Facebook, Inc. (329.8200, -0.22%), and Apple, Inc. (174.5600, -0.30%).

FUTURES: The platform offers futures contracts, allowing traders to speculate on the future price movements of various assets. Specific examples of futures contracts available might include crude oil and gold futures.

CRUDE OIL: Traders can participate in the market for crude oil, potentially speculating on price fluctuations and managing risk associated with this commodity.

GOLD: KFCP provides the opportunity to trade gold, enabling investors to take advantage of price movements in the precious metal.

BITCOIN: The platform offers the trading of Bitcoin, allowing users to engage in cryptocurrency trading.

CURRENCIES: KFCP likely offers currency pairs, enabling traders to participate in the foreign exchange market. Specific examples might include popular pairs like USD/EUR, GBP/JPY, or AUD/USD.

Pros Cons
Access to a diverse range of market instruments Lack of information on liquidity and hedging opportunities
Opportunity to trade popular stocks and futures Limited information on trading volume and market depth
Potential for speculative trading in cryptocurrencies Limited details on trading conditions and platform spreads

Account Types

Comprehensive Account: This account type allows users to trade CFD contracts continuously using KFCP's unique and proprietary composite index, which replicates real market movements. It offers a wide range of trading opportunities.

Finance Account: The Finance account enables trading in forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, as well as large and microcurrency pairs, all with the advantage of high leverage. This account caters to various trading preferences and risk appetites.

Financial STP Account: With the Financial STP account, traders can access major and minor currency pairs, along with markets that feature currency pairs with smaller spreads. This account type suits those looking for specific currency pair options and potentially tighter spreads.


KFCP also provides a demo account for practice trading on mobile, desktop, or web browser. Upon getting started, users are provided with up to $100,000 in virtual capital to simulate real trading scenarios

Pros Cons
Comprehensive Account offers various CFD trading opportunities Lack of detailed comparison between account types
Finance Account provides trading options with high leverage Limited information on specific features and benefits of each account type
Demo account available Unspecified trading platform spreads

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with KFCP, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the main website and click on “Register.”

  2. On the login page, click “Register Now.”

  3. Complete the account registration by providing your email and creating a password.

  4. If you have an invitation code, enter it during the registration process.

  5. Get the verification code sent to your email and enter it to verify your account.

  6. Complete the registration process by following the instructions on the screen.



KFCP (Kentucky Fried Chicken Producers) demonstrates a significant financial leverage with a debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400. This high ratio indicates that the company relies heavily on borrowed funds compared to its equity. The leverage can amplify potential returns for shareholders but also increases the risk due to higher debt levels.


KFCP Global Limited offers base trading spreads as low as 0.

Deposit & Withdrawal

The website does not provide information about the deposit and withdrawal processes of KFCP (KFC Points). For details, please visit the official KFCP website or contact their customer support.

Trading Platforms

The KFCP trading platform is a comprehensive CFD trading solution that provides original spread quotes, high-speed order execution, and high-quality service. It is accessible on Windows, iPhone, and Android devices, offering users access to more than 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis tools for chart analysis.

Pros Cons
Comprehensive CFD trading solution No alternative platforms available
Original spread quotes Limited customer support through email
High-speed order execution Unspecified trading platform spreads

Educational Tools

This calendar offers insights into important economic events, financial indicators, and market data. Traders can access information on upcoming announcements, such as interest rate decisions, GDP releases, and employment reports.


KFCP also offers three other educational tools: Analyst View (AOI), Adaptive Candle Diagram (AC), and Adaptive Trend Indicator (AIX). These tools are developed in collaboration with Trading Central, an internationally acclaimed analysis agency. They provide automated investment analysis and research tools to help users make informed decisions for optimal outcomes.


Customer Support

KFCP offers customer support through the email address


In conclusion, KFCP GLOBAL LIMITED, based in the United Kingdom, offers a diverse range of market instruments, including stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currencies. While the platform provides different account types and a demo account for practice trading, potential customers should be aware of its lack of valid regulation and unauthorized license, which raises concerns about its legitimacy and compliance. Additionally, the company's significant financial leverage with a debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400 can amplify potential returns but also increases risk due to higher debt levels. The website's lack of transparency regarding deposit and withdrawal processes is a notable drawback. Traders should carefully consider these factors before making any decisions and exercise caution when dealing with this unregulated entity.


Q: Is KFCP a legitimate company?

A: KFCP GLOBAL LIMITED lacks valid regulation and holds an unauthorized license, posing potential risks for customers.

Q: What market instruments does KFCP offer?

A: KFCP provides access to stocks, futures contracts, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currency pairs.

Q: What types of accounts does KFCP offer?

A: KFCP offers Comprehensive, Finance, and Financial STP accounts, each catering to different trading preferences.

Q: What is the leverage offered by KFCP?

A: KFCP demonstrates significant financial leverage with a debt-to-equity ratio of 1:400.

Q: What are the spreads offered by KFCP?

A: KFCP offers base trading spreads as low as 0.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds with KFCP?

A: For deposit and withdrawal details, visit the official KFCP website or contact their customer support.

Q: What are the features of KFCP's trading platform?

A: KFCP's trading platform provides original spread quotes, high-speed order execution, and access to technical indicators and intraday analysis tools.

Q: What educational tools does KFCP offer?

A: KFCP offers an economic events calendar and three tools developed in collaboration with Trading Central for investment analysis.

Q: How can I contact KFCP customer support?

A: You can reach KFCP customer support through the email address

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