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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Australia|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Australia Appointed Representative(AR) Revoked|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 26 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Induce fraud

I met someone on WeChat and trade spot gold at Rui Win Capital broker on MT5 through him until Feb. 11 2022. The total profit is $233902. On 2-11-2022, when I wanted to withdraw $30,000, I was told that I would pay 20% tax on the total profit, and it could not be deducted directly from the profit without any written notice. I directly locked my account. I tried to communicate with the customer service for a few days and there was no response. Willing to ask foreign exchange to help me recover my money and make them public, so that more people will not be deceived.

2022-07-08 03:23
Unable to Withdraw

Induced fraud of gold transactions

I was introduced by someone and started to operate gold spot. A friend I just met in early April asked me to invest with him. He taught me to download Meta5 and open an account on the Ruin Wi platform. On April 11, he took me to operate it once and I felt inappropriate and stopped withdrawing. After that, the other party contacted me frequently, showing the number of large transactions and ensuring the reliability of the platform. After gaining complete trust, he encouraged me to operate with him again. After the operation again on May 23, I was encouraged to join 100,000 VIP. The customer service said that a guarantor is required to join a VIP, so he became a guarantor. On May 24th, I want to withdraw cash, and the customer service said that I must complete the 100,000 recharge before I can. The guarantor said that if I did not complete the recharge, his $1 million would be frozen, and he said that he would complete the promise to help recharge 40,000. I questioned whether the money would be returned after the completion, and he swore that if he could not get it back, he would pay it back. I. In desperation, I completed 100,000 VIP recharges on May 31 and June 1, and the guarantor recharged 13,200 US dollars. I thought I could withdraw, but the customer service said that the guarantor has not completed his 1 million VIP recharge, so I still can't withdraw, because our two accounts are bound together, I asked why I didn't say anything before I recharged. , every time I ask the customer service before recharging, they say that I can withdraw cash after recharging, which makes me have to wonder if the customer service and the introducer are colluding. On June 9, I helped him recharge $15,000 and completed the recharge. On the 10th, I asked for a withdrawal, and found that the customer service and the guarantor had disappeared, the trading account was broken, and I could not get all the money back.

2022-06-29 15:38

    RUI WIN CAPITAL · Company Summary

    General Information

    Headquartered in London, one of the international financial centers,RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD is brokerage firm providing investment structure management, asset appreciation planning and providing brokerage services for individual customers. Concerning its regulatory condition, RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD currently holds a license of Appointed Representative (AR), with Regulatory License Number: 001293750.


    Market Instruments

    With RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD, traders can get access to a series of forex and CFD products, including forex pairs, metals, commodities, indices, as well as CFD products.


    The maximum leverage that can be used on the RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD is up to 1:200, which is quite generous to satisfy even the most aggressive traders trading needs. Since leverage can amplify gains as well as losses, inexperienced traders are not advised to use high leverage.

    Trading Platforms

    Surprisingly, RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD offers its clients access to the industry-recognized MT5 trading platform, available on Windows, IOS, Android devices. MT5 is designed for all traders with all trading experience and levels, featuring user-friendly interface, enhanced charting functionality, multiple technical indicators and fast order execution.

    Deposit & Withdrawal

    Concerning payment methods it works with, RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD claims that it allow its clients to fund their account through local transfer and some e-wallets.

    Customer Support

    The RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD customer support can be reached through WhatsApp and Line. There is also a contact form for you to fill out basic contact information, the waiting to be connected.

    Educational Resources

    RUI WIN CAPITAL LTD offers trader access to an educational center, which include some basic questions like: What is CFD? What are indicators? What is Margin Trading? for traders to learn more forex trading fundamentals and help them quick become an advanced trader.

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    more than one year
    Won't ever do anything with RUI WIN CAPITAL anymore... My money had been stuck for months and support has been inexistent, countless emails back and forth to try to explain my issues but no response and I need my money. The only time they replied is to ask me to send screenshots of request which is absurd...
    2023-03-16 12:17
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