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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Australia|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+61 2 9251 1395
G03, 135 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Union Standard International Group Pty Ltd.

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 12 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Unable to withdraw in USGFX

I appleid for withdrawal on April 26. But I've waited for three weekd. The customer service said that there were so many customers withdrawing funds together and I have to wait in the line.

2021-05-16 18:01
Unable to Withdraw

Felicia, the Business director of USGFX Intertional, scams customer and does not allow to withdraw

Felicia, the Business director of USGFX Intertional, scams customer. The customer did not violate any trading mechanism, but liquidated tens of thousands of dollars in the month and only a few hundred dollars were left. When withdrawing these dollars, Felicia does not allow to do so and saying that withdrawal will only be processed after deposit. After depositing, Felicia refused to withdraw again and asked for another deposit and said that withdrawal will be made after new clients join. The deposit of the month was dozens of times of the withdrawal. Felicia had been refused to withdraw after the liquidation for her own performance. After the customer met the requirements of the platform, Felicia has been stucked with the last withdrawal and withdrawal will not be processed. All deposit and withdrawal data applications are inquired by the platform. After applying for data inquiries in the backg-end and changing the customer service manager, Felicia blocked the back-end after seeing the query data and the email of the changing of the customer manager. Felicia is the management of USGFX International and the request of customer were not processed even they meet all requirement of the platform and even back-end is closed. If the management is like this, the employees will follow this up. Whether it is a client or an agent, the final withdrawal will never arrived. I hope that other customers and agents will not trust any promises made by the Taiwan Business Manager of USGFX International. And any promises made by the MOGA Taiwan business manager, so as not to be deceived.

2021-11-25 18:21
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I started to apply for withdrawals in August last year, and it’s now July 2021. During this period, I contacted the customer service many times, but just asked me to wait, but it has not been resolved. Please the relevant department to manage it.

2021-07-06 15:03

Business director of USGFX International and MOGA, Felicia, induced to scam customers

Felicia, Business director of USGFX International, induced fraud to the customer. The customer did not violate any trading mechanism but tens of thousands of US dollars were wiped out that month and only a few hundred US dollars were left. When withdrawing last couple hundreds dollars, Felicia did not allow withdrawals and said that the withdrawal will only be processed after the deposit. After the deposit, Felicia refused to withdraw again when I applied for withdrawal and asked for another deposit and withdrawal will be processed after new client joined. The total deposit of the month was dozens of times of the withdrawal. Felicia kept denied the request for the last withdrawal after the liquidation. For her own performance, after the customer met the requirements of the platform, Felicia doid not allow the last withdraw and it will not be processed. I had applied to ask the platform query all the deposit and withdrawal data and change the customer service manager. After seeing the query data and the change of the customer manager email, Felicia directly blocked the backstage. Felicia is the management of USGFX International. For the sake of her performance, customers' requests were not process even they met requirements of the platform. Felicia colsed the back office when I did not want to cooperate with her and demanded to change customer service manager. If the management is ike this, the employees below will follow. The final withdrawal will never arrive. I hope that other customers and agents will not trust any promises made by the Taiwan Business Manager of USGFX International and any promises made by the MOGA Taiwan business manager, so to be not deceived.

2021-12-01 10:53

Unable to withdraw in USGFX

The application for withdrawal on the 25th has not arrived yet. Genesis Niuren Technology, known as a profitable trader, actually uses up all positions to open a position, increases the position against the trend, and finally closes the order. At the beginning, you will make a little profit, and finally lose all

2021-01-29 11:11

Business director of USGFX International, Felicia, induced fraud

Felicia, Business director of USGFX International, induced fraud to the customer. The customer did not violate any trading mechanism but tens of thousands of US dollars were wiped out that month and only a few hundred US dollars were left. When withdrawing last couple hundreds dollars, Felicia did not allow withdrawals and said that the withdrawal will only be processed after the deposit. After the deposit, Felicia refused to withdraw again when I applied for withdrawal and asked for another deposit and withdrawal will be processed after new client joined. The total deposit of the month was dozens of times of the withdrawal. Felicia kept denied the request for the last withdrawal after the liquidation. For her own performance, after the customer met the requirements of the platform, Felicia doid not allow the last withdraw and it will not be processed. I had applied to ask the platform query all the deposit and withdrawal data and change the customer service manager. After seeing the query data and the change of the customer manager email, Felicia directly blocked the backstage. Felicia is the management of USGFX International. For the sake of her performance, customers' requests were not process even they met requirements of the platform. Felicia colsed the back office when I did not want to cooperate with her and demanded to change customer service manager. If the management is ike this, the employees below will follow. The final withdrawal will never arrive. I hope that other customers and agents will not trust any promises made by the Taiwan Business Manager of USGFX International and any promises made by the MOGA Taiwan business manager, so to be not deceived.

2021-11-29 16:37

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