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India|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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India 2.94

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+ 91-9341 044 044


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Fxkart · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Fxkart
Registered Country/Area India
Founded Year 5-10 years ago
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Currency exchange
Customer Support Phone + 91-9341 044 044, email
Deposit & Withdrawal N/A

Overview of Fxkart

Fxkart, an Indian-based currency exchange platform, operates without regulatory oversight, raising doubts about its transparency and reliability.

Despite partnering with established currency exchange providers, its trading assets remain limited, constraining users' options. The platform's unregulated status poses risks of fraudulent activities and unfair practices, undermining user trust.

Additionally, its inaccessible official website and inconsistent service quality frustrate users, leading to dissatisfaction. Founded in India 5-10 years ago, Fxkart aims to simplify currency exchange but struggles due to its regulatory ambiguity and operational shortcomings, hindering its effectiveness in the market.

Overview of Fxkart

Is Fxkart Legit or a Scam?

Fxkart operates without regulation, lacking oversight from any authority. This absence of regulation raises risks about transparency and accountability. Customers might face risks like fraudulent activities or unfair practices. Without oversight, Fxkart's operations could vary widely, potentially leading to financial losses or legal issues for users.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Partnerships with established currency exchange providers Official website inaccessible
Lack of transparency in exchange rates
Inconsistent service quality
Limited currency options


  • Partnerships with Established Currency Exchange Providers: Fxkart has formed partnerships with reputable currency exchange providers, such as FRR Forex, which adds credibility to its platform.


  • Official Website Inaccessible: Fxkart's official website being inaccessible poses a significant inconvenience to users who rely on online platforms for currency exchange services.

  • Unregulated: The lack of regulation governing Fxkart's operations raises risks about accountability and consumer protection.

  • Lack of Transparency in Exchange Rates: Fxkart's failure to provide transparent and consistent exchange rates can lead to confusion and mistrust among users. The lack of clarity regarding fees, commissions, and other charges may result in unexpected costs for customers, eroding confidence in the platform and its services.

  • Inconsistent Service Quality: Users have reported experiencing inconsistent service quality with Fxkart, including delays in transaction processing, errors in order execution, and difficulties in accessing customer support.

  • Limited Currency Options: Fxkart's limited selection of currency options may restrict users' ability to exchange various currencies, especially those less commonly traded.

Market Instruments facilitates foreign exchange trading and simplifies currency exchange for travelers to and from India.

Through partnerships such as with FRR Forex, a prominent player in the currency exchange market, Fxkart claims to provide competitive rates and expand its network across India. FRR Forex brings over five years of industry experience and a committed team to ensure reliable service.

Customer Support

Fxkart's customer support is lacking, frustrating users with slow response times and ineffective assistance. Customers report difficulties reaching representatives, exacerbating issues with transactions or inquiries.

Despite providing contact numbers like +91-9341 044 044, users often encounter long waiting periods or unanswered calls. Moreover, the absence of support on Instagram adds to the limited communication channels.

Although Fxkart maintains social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook, their responsiveness to customer risks remains questionable.

The customer service email address,, fails to provide timely resolutions, leaving users dissatisfied with the overall support experience.

Customer Support

Risk Warning

Trading with Fxkart carries inherent risks due to its unregulated status and lack of oversight. Without regulatory supervision, users are exposed to potential fraudulent activities, unfair practices, and inadequate consumer protections. The absence of specified account types, minimum deposits, and maximum leverage further amplifies the risk, as users may not have clear guidelines for risk management.

Additionally, limited customer support channels and an inaccessible official website increase the likelihood of operational challenges and hinder users' ability to seek assistance.


In conclusion, while Fxkart offers a platform for currency exchange, its unregulated status presents significant drawbacks.

The lack of regulatory oversight raises risks about transparency, accountability, and consumer protection. Additionally, the absence of specified account types, minimum deposits, maximum leverage, spreads, and trading platforms limits users' ability to make informed decisions and effectively navigate the platform.

Moreover, the inadequate customer support channels and inaccessible official website further exacerbate user frustrations and undermine confidence in the platform's reliability and efficiency.


Q: Is Fxkart regulated by any authority?

A: No, Fxkart operates without regulatory oversight.

Q: What market instruments does Fxkart offer?

A: Fxkart primarily facilitates currency exchange transactions.

Q: How can I contact Fxkart's customer support?

A: You can reach Fxkart's customer support via email or through their social media channels.

Broker Information

Company Name FZ LLC

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
I was looking for some information on Fxkart online, but there was very little available. It made me hesitant to invest with them since I couldn't find much about their reputation or track record. I ended up deciding to look elsewhere for investment opportunities where there is more transparency and information available.
2023-03-24 15:30
more than one year
So frustrating! When I was about to exchange some currencies, they said I need to book in advance…and they refused to provides services for me!
2023-02-16 10:20
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