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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
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+1 518-936-9064
Rosia Road , No234/56 Gibraltar , UK


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-12
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24trades · Company Summary

Company Name 24Trades
Headquarters Rosia Road, No 234/56, Gibraltar, UK
Regulations No License
Market Instruments Forex, Binary Options, Bitcoin
Deposit/Withdraw Methods Visa, PayPal, Bitcoin, Skrill, MasterCard, Maestro
Trading Platforms Proprietary trading platform
Bonuses 20% bonus on $10,000, 15% bonus on $5,000, 10% bonus on $250
Customer Support Phone number: +1 518-936-9064

Overview of 24Trades

24Trades is an investment company that specializes in forex, binary options, and Bitcoin trading. Clients of 24Trades can benefit from a wide range of investment opportunities, including forex, binary options, and Bitcoin, making it a versatile platform for both novice and experienced traders. Traders are provided with multiple convenient deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as offering bonuses to encourage the trading journey.

Overview of 24Trades

Is 24Trades legit or a scam?

It is important to note that 24Trades, a Forex broker claiming operation, is in fact not licensed. This means that the broker has not been granted permission by any recognized financial regulatory authority to offer its trading services to customers. Regulatory licensing is crucial in this industry as it ensures that the broker adheres to strict rules and regulations set out to protect traders, and the absence of such a license raises serious concerns about the legitimacy and safety of investing with 24Trades.

Without a proper license, 24Trades operates without regulatory oversight which increases risks such as fraud and manipulation that can result in significant loss for traders. Potential investors are strongly advised to only deal with brokers that are licensed and regulated by recognized financial institutions. Moreover, always verify the regulatory statuses of any broker before investing, to ensure the security of your investments and avoid falling prey to fraudulent activities.

Pros and Cons


  1. Diverse Market Instruments: 24Trades offers forex, binary options, and Bitcoin trading, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios.

  2. Multiple Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: The broker provides various funding options, including Visa, PayPal, Bitcoin, Skrill, MasterCard, and Maestro.

  3. Prompt Fund Processing: 24Trades aims to process withdrawal requests within 24 hours, providing clients with timely access to their funds.

  4. User-Friendly Platform: The proprietary trading platform is designed to be accessible and feature-rich, catering to traders of all skill levels.

  5. Security Awareness: The company advises against depositing funds into individual manager accounts, promoting best practices for financial security.


  1. Lack of Regulatory License: 24Trades is not licensed or regulated, potentially exposing clients to higher risks and lack of regulatory protection.

  2. No Educational Resources: The absence of educational materials means traders might need to seek external sources for learning and skill development.

  3. Limited Company Information: The provided company address is somewhat vague, and it's essential to independently verify its legitimacy.

  4. Unverified Contact Information: The phone number provided needs to be verified independently for accuracy.

  5. Potential for Fraud: Unregulated brokers can be riskier, and there's a higher chance of encountering fraudulent activities.

    1. Pros Cons
      1. Diverse Market Instruments 1. Lack of Regulatory License
      2. Multiple Deposit/Withdrawal Methods 2. No Educational Resources
      3. Prompt Fund Processing 3. Limited Company Information
      4. User-Friendly Platform 4. Unverified Contact Information
      5. Security Awareness 5. Potential for Fraud

Market Instruments

24Trades offers a diverse range of market instruments, including major currency pairs in the realm of forex trading. This comprehensive offering allows traders to participate in global currency markets and capitalize on various economic events and geopolitical developments affecting exchange rates. Access to both major and exotic currency pairs enables portfolio diversification and the pursuit of opportunities across the foreign exchange market.

For those interested in binary options trading, 24Trades provides various options with different expiry times and strike prices. Binary options offer a simplified way for traders to speculate on the price movements of assets like currencies, commodities, indices, and stocks within set timeframes. This flexibility allows traders to align their choices with their preferences and risk tolerance. Additionally, 24Trades includes Bitcoin trading instruments, offering exposure to the dynamic cryptocurrency world and opportunities to take positions on Bitcoin's price movements.

Trading Platform

24Trades offers a proprietary trading platform designed to enhance the trading experience for its clients. This platform is user-friendly and feature-rich, providing traders with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of forex, binary options, and Bitcoin trading. The platform offers real-time charts, technical indicators, and various timeframes to assist traders in conducting in-depth market analysis. Additionally, it offers a customizable interface, allowing traders to tailor their workspace to suit their unique preferences and trading strategies.

The 24Trades proprietary platform also includes advanced risk management features, which are crucial in the high-stakes world of financial trading. These risk management tools empower traders to set stop-loss orders, take-profit levels, and manage their exposure effectively. The platform's reliability, speed, and accessibility from various devices make it a valuable tool for traders of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

How to open an account in 24Trades?

Opening an account with a broker like 24Trades generally involves a simple and streamlined process designed to get traders into the markets quickly and efficiently. The steps listed below outline the common process to open a trading account:

  1. Visit the official website of 24Trades.

  2. Locate and click on the 'Open Account' or similar option on their site.

  3. Fill out the registration form with the required personal information for the initial sign-up process.

  4. Verify your identity and residence by providing the necessary documents, such as a copy of your ID and proof of address.

  5. Wait for the broker to approve your account; this timeframe can vary depending on the broker.

  6. Once approved, deposit funds using your preferred deposit method to start trading.

Deposit & Withdrawal Methods

24Trades offers a flexible array of deposit and withdrawal methods, including Visa, PayPal, Bitcoin, Skrill, MasterCard, and Maestro. This diverse selection, which includes debit/credit cards, PayPal, and the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, streamlines deposits and accommodates various client preferences. Additionally, the inclusion of Skrill enhances transaction ease and speed. Their system prioritizes convenience, ensuring a seamless experience for clients.

Deposit & Withdrawal Methods

24Trades strongly advises clients against depositing funds into company manager accounts and instead recommends depositing exclusively into the company's accounts and Bitcoin wallets. This precautionary step is taken to enhance transaction security and maintain official records, ultimately mitigating risks of unauthorized transactions and safeguarding client funds.

Deposit & Withdrawal Methods


24Trades offers a tiered bonus system, providing traders with the opportunity to earn extra funds based on their initial deposit amounts. These bonuses can be enticing for those looking to enhance their trading capital. The broker extends a 20% bonus on deposits of $10,000, a 15% bonus on $5,000 deposits, and a 10% bonus on deposits as low as $250.

While bonuses can be appealing, it's crucial for traders to thoroughly understand the terms and conditions associated with these bonuses, as they often come with specific requirements and restrictions that may impact trading strategies and withdrawal capabilities.

Customer Support

24Trades offers a comprehensive customer support system to assist both new and existing clients. The company's customer service team is available 24/5 and can be contacted through the company's illustrated phone number, +1 518-936-9064. This way, clients from various parts of the world can reach out for help and speak directly with a representative who can guide them through their inquiries. They extend their support services to potential clients as well, providing guidance and answers to any procedural questions like how to start an account, or funding processes, ensuring that newcomers navigate these first steps with full clarity and confidence.

In addition to telephone communication, 24Trades physical address in Rosia Road, No234/56 Gibraltar, UK also suggests the possibility of face-to-face interactions - by appointment only - for clients who prefer more personal interaction. Having a physical address contributes to the legitimacy of the firm. Continuously invested in meeting client's needs, the responsive and knowledgeable customer service team at 24Trades is a truly beneficial resource for clients anytime they require assistance during their trading week.

Educational Resources

An important aspect that may deter some investors is the lack of educational resources offered by 24Trades. Education is a critical component of the trading world, especially for novice traders who are just starting out and require guidance to navigate complex market trends. These resources typically include webinars, articles, e-books, and tutorials that help traders understand the complexities of the market and develop effective trading strategies. The absence of such resources significantly undermines the support provided by 24Trades to its clients, particularly those who are less experienced in the trading world. This is a significant drawback and constrains the trader's potential to grow and thrive in the highly competitive trading environment.


In conclusion, 24Trades offers a range of market instruments, including forex, binary options, and Bitcoin trading, providing traders with opportunities to diversify their portfolios across various financial markets. Their user-friendly and feature-rich proprietary trading platform ensures accessibility and functionality for traders of all experience levels. This platform, coupled with multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, including Visa, PayPal, Bitcoin, Skrill, MasterCard, and Maestro, grants traders flexibility in managing their funds efficiently.

However, it's essential to note that 24Trades lacks a regulatory license, which can raise concerns regarding the safety and protection of clients' investments. One noteworthy aspect is the absence of educational resources, meaning traders may need to look elsewhere for learning and skill development. While the platform itself offers a valuable trading experience, traders are encouraged to exercise caution, independently verify company details, and consider regulatory status when choosing to engage with 24Trades. As the trading landscape continues to evolve, a solid foundation of knowledge and regulatory protection are vital factors in making informed investment decisions.


Q: Is 24Trades a licensed and regulated broker?

A: 24Trades is not licensed by any financial authority.

Q:. What market instruments can I trade with 24Trades?

A: 24Trades offers forex, binary options, and Bitcoin trading, allowing for diversification in your trading portfolio.

Q: Are there educational resources available on the 24Trades platform?

A: No, 24Trades does not provide educational materials, so traders may need to seek external sources for learning and skill development.

Q: What are the deposit and withdrawal methods supported by 24Trades?

A: 24Trades accepts Visa, PayPal, Bitcoin, Skrill, MasterCard, and Maestro for deposit and withdrawal transactions, providing multiple options for managing your funds.

Q: How can I contact 24Trades' customer support?

A: You can reach 24Trades' customer support at +1 518-936-9064.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +1 518-936-9064









Company address
  • Rosia Road , No234/56 Gibraltar , UK









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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