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Boloni Createt FX Co.Ltd

United States|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

White Label

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BoloniCreatetFx-Server MT5
Server Location Hong Kong



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Broker Information


Company Name

Boloni Createt FX Co.Ltd

Company Abbreviation

Boloni Createt FX Co.Ltd

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0547159) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Boloni Createt FX Co.Ltd · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 1-2 years
Regulation Unregulated by any major authority
Customer Support Email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Not specified
Educational Resources Not specified

Overview of Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd

Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd operates as an online trading broker based in the United States. It's crucial to exercise careful consideration and thorough research before involving yourself with any online trading platform, including Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd. For a more informed choice, you might explore our detailed reviews of two other recently examined companies: TrustBanc Group and Insun Forex.

Is Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd Legit or a Scam?

When conducting research on an online broker, the initial and foremost step should invariably involve verifying their possession of a regulatory license from a recognized financial institution. This crucial inquiry delineates whether the broker operates under the oversight of a reputable authority or falls within the category of offshore or unregulated investment entities.

Given that the broker is not regulated, it is recommended to trade with other more compliant traders.


Pros and Cons

Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd operates as an online trading broker based in the United States. However, certain aspects of its legitimacy and trustworthiness raise concerns. The company's lack of regulation and limited disclosure of essential service details contribute to uncertainties. Moreover, negative user feedback further underscores potential issues with reliability and customer service. It is strongly recommended to exercise caution and careful evaluation when contemplating this broker for trading activities.

Pros Cons
No pros mentioned in the provided information Unregulated and not authorized by any major regulatory authority
No information on the minimum deposit or maximum leverage
No information on spreads, trading platforms, or tradable assets
No information on different account types or demo account
Negative user feedback indicating dissatisfaction with the broker

Customer Reviews

Protecting oneself from online fraud necessitates thorough due diligence on companies before transferring funds. Seeking feedback from traders with firsthand experience is prudent. Reviews help assess reliability, platform functionality, and trading experience.

Research on social media and trading forums reveals a consistent pattern of user dissatisfaction with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd. Accumulated feedback suggests potential unreliability, urging caution before using their services. Prudent investors should carefully consider engaging with this platform.

How To Withdraw From Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd?

If you encounter challenges while attempting to withdraw funds from your Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd account, it's advisable to take proactive measures by reaching out to the company through all available communication channels. This proactive approach ensures that you have documentation to present to relevant authorities, a crucial step given the broker's lack of regulation or endorsement by major regulatory bodies.

The absence of regulatory oversight implies that withdrawing from Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd might become a complex process if they disregard your withdrawal request or suspend your account for minor reasons. Given these circumstances, exercising caution is paramount. It's important to avoid unlicensed or out-of-jurisdiction brokers, as they can exacerbate the withdrawal process and potentially jeopardize your invested capital.

How Online Trading Scams Work?

A prevalent online trading scam often employs a strategy of showcasing profitable trades at the outset, designed to entice investors into a perception of effortless gains. Subsequently, once the investor is entangled, they're coerced into injecting larger sums for promised higher returns, often coupled with incentives to recruit additional investors.

Yet, after capital extraction from the investor and their network, the brokerage may abruptly suspend the account, impeding access to the invested funds. Unscrupulous entities may deceitfully assert regulatory compliance, employing counterfeit licenses and addresses to cultivate an appearance of legitimacy. To safeguard against such pitfalls, it's crucial to cross-verify information from multiple sources and maintain vigilant skepticism when navigating the realm of trading platforms and investments.


Customer Support

To contact Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd, their support team can be reached by email at:

Their website can be found at:


In summary, Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd, a Chinese-based online trading broker, raises concerns due to its lack of regulation and essential information, potentially exposing traders to risks. The presence of negative user feedback further underscores potential reliability issues. Engaging in thorough due diligence and seeking input from experienced traders are crucial steps for informed decision-making. Prudence is strongly recommended when contemplating involvement with this broker.


Q: How can I handle withdrawal issues with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd?

A: If withdrawals pose problems, proactively communicate, document interactions, and remain cautious due to the lack of regulation.

Q: What's the key to safe investments with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd?

A: Prioritize due diligence, seek guidance, and critically assess legitimacy and reliability due to its unregulated status and potential concerns.

Q: What red flags should I watch for with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd?

A: Lack of regulation, incomplete details, and negative feedback are concerning aspects to consider when evaluating Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd.

Q: How can I trade safely with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd?

A: Exercise caution, gather varied information, and research extensively before engaging with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd due to its unregulated nature.

Q: How can I verify Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd's legitimate claims?

A: Validate Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd's legitimacy through online platforms, cross-referencing experiences, and reliable sources, considering its unregulated status and potential negative feedback.

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more than one year
Not too impressed with Boloni Createt Fx Co Ltd. The lack of regulation is a red flag, and the withdrawal process is unclear. Important details like spreads and account types are missing. Negative feedback and the short time in the market make me skeptical. Approach with caution.
2023-12-12 09:50
more than one year
My experience with Boloni Createt FX Co.Ltd has been disappointing. The unclear withdrawal process and limited customer support through email create frustration. The absence of detailed spread information adds uncertainty to trading costs. The lack of regulation raises serious doubts about the broker's reliability. I'm exploring alternatives due to these issues.
2023-12-12 09:48
more than one year
I appreciate the diverse range of assets available on Kraemforex, and the low minimum deposit of $500 makes it accessible. The demo account is a great feature for practicing strategies. However, the lack of regulation is concerning. I hope they address this for a more secure trading environment.
2023-12-08 18:36
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