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TFS Structured Products

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 (0) 207 377 00 50
Beaufort House, 1st Floor 15 St. Botolph Street London EC3A 7QX


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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+44 (0) 207 377 00 50

Broker Information


Company Name

Tradition Financial Services Ltd

Company Abbreviation

TFS Structured Products

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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TFS Structured Products · Company Summary

TFS Structured Products Basic Information
Company Name TFS Structured Products
Founded in 2003
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Not regulated
Trading Tools Online reporting and risk management tools
Customer Support Email ( (+44 (0) 207-377-00-50)

Overview of TFS Structured Products

Established in 2003 and based in the United Kingdom, TFS Structured Products functions as an independent structuring house, focusing on crafting inventive derivative strategies tailored for institutional clients. With a strong foothold in this domain, TFS serves a broad spectrum of financial entities, including wealth managers, family offices, funds, treasuries, insurance firms, and pension funds. However, it's crucial to emphasize that TFS Structured Products functions without regulatory supervision, despite its considerable experience and extensive client base.

Overview of TFS Structured Products

Is TFS Structured Products Legit?

TFS Structured Products is not regulated. TFS lacks proper regulation, indicating that it operates without oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. This absence of regulatory supervision can pose various risks to traders, including limited options for dispute resolution, potential issues related to fund safety and security, and a lack of transparency in the broker's operations.

Is TFS Structured Products Legit?

Pros and Cons

TFS provides traders with the benefit of personalized services along with access to online reporting and risk management tools. However, it's vital to recognize that TFS operates without regulatory supervision, which may expose traders to various risks associated with unregulated trading environments. Additionally, the lack of sufficient information on the website and the absence of educational resources or transparency regarding company policies and procedures may present challenges for traders seeking comprehensive guidance.

Pros Cons
  • Provides personalized services
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Offers online reporting and risk management tools
  • Lacks sufficient information on the website
  • Lack of educational resources or transparency regarding company policies and procedures

Trading Tools

TFS has introduced a suite of online reporting and risk management tools aimed at enhancing transparency and supporting informed decision-making among traders.

Customer Support

TFS provides tailor-made solutions that cater to the unique requirements of each client. In addition to this personalized approach, TFS offers secondary market follow-up and risk management tools to help clients navigate the market effectively. Clients can reach out to TFS customer support via phone at +44 (0) 207-377-00-50 or through email at Furthermore, clients can connect with TFS representatives on LinkedIn for additional support and assistance.

Customer Support


In conclusion, TFS provides traders with personalized services tailored to their individual needs and preferences, offering flexibility and tailored solutions. Nevertheless, it's vital to acknowledge that TFS functions without regulatory supervision. Moreover, the lack of sufficient information on the website and the absence of educational resources or transparency regarding company policies and procedures may pose challenges for traders seeking comprehensive guidance.


Q: Is TFS regulated?

A: No, TFS operates without regulation, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: How can I contact TFS's customer support?

A: You can reach TFS's customer support primarily through phone at +44 (0) 207-377-00-50 or through email at

Q: What trading tools does TFS offer?

A: TFS has introduced a suite of online reporting and risk management tools aimed at enhancing transparency and supporting informed decision-making among traders.

Risk Warning

Trading online carries inherent risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment. It's important to recognize that not all traders or investors may be suited for this type of activity. Please be aware that the details provided in this review might change due to updates in the company's policies and services. Additionally, the date of this review is crucial as information may have evolved since then. It's strongly recommended to verify any updated information directly with the company before making any decisions. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the reader to utilize the information provided in this review appropriately.


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