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26 pieces of exposure in total


Position blowup

My two positions were blown up and when I contacted the coustomer service they never responded. I could save my money suerly.

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2023-03-14 23:16
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2023-03-14 23:16
Unable to Withdraw

They put me on the street and put all the money in

They put me on the street and put all the money in here after borrowing money

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2023-03-14 14:49
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2023-03-14 14:49

MTFE index currency is fake

Mtfe platform index all fake currency and hand control.. many people loss menoy in Mtfe platform .. loss menoy reason fake currency

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-03-13 14:54
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-03-13 14:54

MTFE Piramid Scam

MTFE is collecting huge fund from India, Bangladesh and Africa through 3 Level Commission through its MLM program. It is taking high spread and Commission, so that no one can make profit by manual trading. All clients who have account with MTFE are forced to use their AI Trading which enables them to loot all public funds in a single trade one fine day. All traders be careful

India India 2023-03-06 00:22
India India 2023-03-06 00:22
Severe Slippage

im waited for all of you to solve my problem

i waited you about a month ago you didn’t respond to me or text back for any news …. the commission getting more and more and i cant do anything to have it …. the broker took my money … and the company stole everything i did …. if you cant help just say that …. publish it please … and lets all the investors see how the company are phony and lieing for the investors to invest in their company…. i want to speak with yours lawyer please let us take down the phony and misleading company… and stop the company of stoling any money from any one

Jordan Jordan 2023-02-27 03:29
Jordan Jordan 2023-02-27 03:29

Severe slippage in the company's automated trading

Losing more than half of my money during my entry into the company in a month

Jordan Jordan 2023-02-23 09:51
Jordan Jordan 2023-02-23 09:51

ai artificial intelligence is suspicious

on 20-2-2023 many clients faced huge loss nearly close to empty wallets by using ai artificial intelligence. but some of them didn't had loss ai strategy must be same then why some of the clients are getting profit and some of them are losing nearly there entire money this is very suspicious please check weather mtfe is legit its software and everything is legit or not or someone else is doing this propaganda against mtfe please check this is becoming very suspicious now

United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 2023-02-22 07:10
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 2023-02-22 07:10

I don't get my Commition

I put lot off people but I don't get my Commition, still weiting still now what happened please help me

South Africa South Africa 2023-02-15 05:08
South Africa South Africa 2023-02-15 05:08
Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage

I've lost around 90℅ of my money with this broker because they took it from me , our leader (attached her profile and contact number)sent us a signal called DNNC as her mentor who worked inside told her alrhough was not exist in any platform only in MTFE, once we trade the signal after a minute maybe we got a servere slippage and this is not the first time we had the same problem before and they announced that they have mistaken but now they did it on purpose cause its not logical how the chart went down so quickly not like any other cryptocurrency. During that time I've searched everywhere to find a way to expose them or to contact anyone for help so i didn't have anyone to contact with cause WhatsApp we got zero response but when I heard about you guys I thought that I have a chance to get my money back from them , and we had a team on a WhatsApp group everyone lost their money in less than a minute, that's not acceptable and wrong,, so please help me get back what I've lost. Thanks. Around 950USD

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-08 17:43
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-08 17:43
Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage

I've lost around 90℅ money with this broker because they took it from me ,they had sent us a signal called DNNC which was not exist in any platform once we trade the signal after a minute maybe we got a servere slippage and this is not the first time we had the same problem before and they announced that they have mistaken but now they did it on purpose cause its not logical how the chart went down so quickly not like any other cryptocurrency. And also they had rejected my withdrawal which supposed to take only 3 working days from 16 Nov 2022 to be transferred to external wallet but i believe they delayed it intentionally to rejected later . During that time I've searched everywhere to find a way to expose them or to contact anyone for help so i didn't have anyone to contact with cause WhatsApp we got zero response but when I heard about you guys I thought that I have a chance to get my money back from them , and we had a team on a WhatsApp group everyone lost their money in less than a minute, that's not acceptable and wrong,, so please help me get back what I've lost. Thanks. 10507.96 USD

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-07 21:06
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-07 21:06

Liquidate my money. Cheat and scam

The robot and the so-called artificial intelligence is a huge loss and the breakdown of my capital is a very big scandal, and I ask for compensation in the capital

Libya Libya 2023-02-04 06:19
Libya Libya 2023-02-04 06:19

Server Slippage

I've lost all my money on (MTFE) because they took it from me ,they send us a signal called DNNC which not exist in any platform once they give us the signal after a minute maybe we got a slippage and this's not the first time we had the same problem before and they announced that they have mistaken but now they did it on purpose cause its not logical how the chart went down so quickly not like any other cryptocurrency, at that time I've searched everywhere to find a way to expose them or to contact anyone for help so i didn't have anyone to contact with cause WhatsApp we got zero response but when I heard about you guys I thought that I have a chance to get my money back from them , and we had a team on a WhatsApp group everyone lost their money in less than a minute, that's not acceptable and wrong,, so please help me get back what I've lost. Thanks

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-03 06:30
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-02-03 06:30


i waited for over 2 month and they said that im laundarying money or something ….. they took it without any reason I talked with brokers and said just said gou dont have any money you should just change your account and open new one … i said that whats about the people i get and tired to get them …. they said you are no longer in our service … open new accout

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-29 03:14
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-29 03:14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw my funds to wallet

I tried to transfer 25$ from my assets to wallet, the amount has been deducted from my asset but its not credited in my wallet. No response from the customer support

India India 2023-01-25 10:27
India India 2023-01-25 10:27

A company with serious decline and fraudulent transactions ‏ Mtfe

The company caused serious decline and fraud by sending signals to customers to show serious decline in transactions, which led to the explosion of my account and the customer account of the fraudulent company

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-25 08:57
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-25 08:57
Unable to Withdraw

mtfe scam my money

my other account I have commission more then 4800 dollar for Almost 4 money am talking to them to let me transfer it and they keep telling me they wait kyc and I have been with them since 1 year and half and they don't let me transfer my money and also they scammed all my member money so please get at least my commission from them

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 02:27
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 02:27


mtfe they send a signal to all my member and get all our money more then 85k dollar and my money more then 5000 dollar

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 02:00
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 02:00

Severe fraud and slippage

Sending a signal from a company (mtfe-losing deal) for intentional loss and fraud

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 01:49
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-24 01:49
Severe Slippage


We took the deal from the broker (MTFE) via WhatsApp, and in moments there was a severe slippage and I lost everything I had in the program.

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-01-24 01:09
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2023-01-24 01:09

Automated trading scam

I lost more than half of my money within a month of entering consecutive losses and not managing the risks of capital in the automated trading allocated to the company

Jordan Jordan 2023-01-21 09:06
Jordan Jordan 2023-01-21 09:06
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