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12 pieces of exposure in total


qoʻshimcha pul talab qilishdi

men bilan shartnoma tuzishdi tugashi va pul yechib olish sanasi 1- iyun sanasi deb belgilashdi, pul yechib olish uchun mendan qoʻshimcha pul talab qishdi

Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2024-06-02 23:22
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 2024-06-02 23:22
Unable to Withdraw

Alchemy prine limited

Hello Team, This is to inform you that i have been scammed by the trading App 'CXM trading” assessed through “In-CARLYLES” app. When i put up my car for sale on car selling app, I was approached by someone who called her name 'Kelly' having the cell # +852 6558 5997 ahowing interest to buy. She initially showed herself a business owner and an investor and declared that she made lot of profits from the trading app by sending screenshots of her balance growing by leaps and insisted me to try as well. She trapped me through by giving a simulation account and guided how to use it. then asked me to start investment with $300 on 16.04.2024 and took me to $2350 investment on 17-07-2024. She said she will provide investment strategies by their analytics and if i grow/top up my balance to 5000 USD then 10,000 USD and so on for more lucrative strategies. I only traded 0.3 lots and they showed a dummy profit on UKOIl while on that day UKOiL price dis not touch that limit hence it was all scam and artificial. When i got the doubted i asked her she showed me a linkthat their firm is registered. Out of my Balance 2337 $. Later, I came up with a need to partially withdraw my amount $18,00/- and asked her for withdrawal. She connected me to a customer services email '' which she has given me to verify my identity and ensure deposits in my account through Binance. Upon withdrawal request, she asked me to pay the Liquidated damages 20% '$500' first in Wallet Account “TMBoEdmddFgan5JkP1fWjYSr4xY1GLNGiH”before we proceed your withdrawal. When I completed the transaction then she asked to pay the Income tax of 15% to get the payment. I didn’t pay and told them to either debit taxes and charges from my balance but they are saying i need to pay first and still waiting for the withdrawal. I processed the withdrawal through the app later on 18-03-2024 and its showing 'Pending Review' since dat day

Pakistan Pakistan 2024-04-19 18:38
Pakistan Pakistan 2024-04-19 18:38

Watch Out scammers and fraudsters

they are the same people who scammed me through the Hero Markets Ltd. i just found out they changed and went to this broker and watch out for woman and man from Hong Kong if they are contacting you it is already something wrong. if it is too good to be true it usually is😉 they use platforms like SoonTrade5 SlimTransfer5, SXFMGY and they usually contact you through facebook or other social platforms. keep your wits my friends.

Slovenia Slovenia 2024-03-21 12:36
Slovenia Slovenia 2024-03-21 12:36
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.

The Hong Kong citizen Li Haobo cheated me of $21,000 and I was till unable to withdraw.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-26 19:01
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-26 19:01
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo was a scammer

He pretended to help you in order to grab more money from you. It was disgusting that he still cheat people. I was unable to withdraw my deposit of $21,000. Beware of his scams.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-22 16:43
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-22 16:43
Unable to Withdraw

When will the Hong Konger Li Haobo show up?

I was scammed by him and deposited 21,000 USD. And I was unable to withdraw. I hope the scammer can be exposed as soon as possible.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-20 18:56
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-20 18:56
Unable to Withdraw

Please be careful of Hong Konger Li Haobo

Many scams. It is impossible to withdraw 21,000 USD.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-18 15:51
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-18 15:51
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo is a big fraud

This guy recommended a fraud platform which is a clone to me. I trusted him cuz I withdrew funds successfully once. However, I have't withdrawn funds since then. Won't your conscience be troubled after you cheat our hard-earned money? When will you return my deposit of $21,000?? Please be careful and do not be cheated by this guy~

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-16 10:18
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-16 10:18
Unable to Withdraw

Please be careful of Hong Kong resident Li Haobo

Li Haobo pretends to teach foreign exchange operation with good intentions and leads people to paying the deposit through feedback activities. Only one withdrawal was successful, while other users were unable to withdraw. He is terrible because of cheating. The deposit totals nearly $21,000, which is still unable to be withdrawn. Please be careful of him.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-14 18:51
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-14 18:51
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw Does anyone know this person? At first he used ig to induce me, I checked Facebook and found him. At first he taught me how to operate, and finally I couldn’t withdraw the 500,000 Taiwan dollars I deposited... I hope this platform can help me get my money back[d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d]

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-11 19:19
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-11 19:19
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw

I used to participate in the reward activity, and I needed to deposit 10,000 US dollars. I was not inform that I need to upgrade to member to withdraw. Now I want to withdraw money and need to deposit another 10,000 US dollars.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-11 11:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-11 11:34
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal in CXM Trading is unavailable for times.

Singapore Singapore 2020-08-15 12:56
Singapore Singapore 2020-08-15 12:56
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