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17 pieces of exposure in total


These thugs entice you to deposit, they offer you forbidden bonuses, and they entice you to start a very risky operation to deposit

These thugs entice you to deposit, they offer you forbidden bonuses, and they entice you to open a very risky operation to deposit, they classify you as a professional customer, without the stipulation by ESMA, they do not allow you to withdraw, I filed a complaint, and the police finally confirmed.

Spain Spain 2021-06-12 19:35
Spain Spain 2021-06-12 19:35
Severe Slippage

pressurised into more money

planned R3500 minimum turned to R43500 loss FGM does not follow their own policy, they recruite unexperienced traders and use their profetional skills deceiving and convinsing them to increase their capital after a minimum deposit is recieved in pretense it's "advantageous" for new traders as positions are "protected"[3b] however you endup loosing it all, Sulav c.s contacted me and handed me to Peter also c.s,I sent them an email about my experience but they ignored me as if I did not matter.

South Africa South Africa 2020-11-08 10:36
South Africa South Africa 2020-11-08 10:36
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in scam FXGM

FXGM said that I need to ask the agent to open a funding channel, which no agent is contactable. The withdrawal is unavailable.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-09 10:20
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-09 10:20
Unable to Withdraw


Having traded for some while, I couldn’t withdraw my fund. The service is out of contact. After inquiring them by email, my account was banned in 10 minutes. I’ve never seen such a scam platform before.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-26 04:53
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-26 04:53
Unable to Withdraw

As long as clients make withdrawals, their accounts would be banned.

The backstage is almost a facade, in which there is no deposit or trading record, let alone withdrawal. My balance has become 0. FXGM refreshes my cognition.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-26 04:52
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-26 04:52
Unable to Withdraw


Having deposited $100, I couldn’t make withdrawal. The platform is out of contact.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:27
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:27
Unable to Withdraw


The withdrawal is unavailable in this scam platform. Be careful!!!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:26
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:26
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

As long as I deposited several hundred dollars, the account manager disappeared.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:26
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:26
Unable to Withdraw

Ponzi Scheme

As long as you deposit in this platform, your fund will be doomed.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:25
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 23:25
Unable to Withdraw


I deposited the day before yesterday. Having made some profits, my account was banned. Hope you stay away.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 22:14
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 22:14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable. The manager is disappeared.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 22:13
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 22:13
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in scam platform

There is only deposit channel in this platform. Having this exposed, I hope you avoid being cheated.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 21:48
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-03-25 21:48
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal has been unavailable for one week.The customer service doesn’t respond.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-26 23:05
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-26 23:05
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal applied on November 20th hasn’t been received on 25th yet.Both the customer service and the brokerage give no respond.Is the platform a scam?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-25 22:15
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-25 22:15
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The customer service doesn’t respond.We, 8 persons can not withdraw.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-21 15:19
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-21 15:19
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal hasn’t been received for 1 week.The customer service didn’t respond.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-20 16:18
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-20 16:18

Unable to withdraw in FXGM

The withdrawal applied on last Thursday was said to be received on Friday.Today is Monday,it is impossible.Neither the customer service nor the agent is disconnected by phone or Wechat.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-11 11:19
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-11 11:19
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