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Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-05 13:45


Deposit and withdrawal fraud

On December 5, 2023, I deposited US$1,000, paid RMB 7,364, and the exchange rate was 7.364. I applied for a withdrawal of US$970.88 on December 7, 2023, and on December 8, the account received 6,893 yuan, and the exchange rate was 7.1. The highest USDCNH exchange rate was 7.17 on December 5, and the lowest was 7.15 on the 7th and 8th. First, does FOREX regard itself as a central bank and decide the exchange rate on its own? Second, the exchange rate is calculated to three decimal places when depositing money, and the exchange rate is directly erased to zero when withdrawing money. FOREX is a typical scam, please don’t be fooled.


[Amount] $1,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-05 13:45


Exness. Two accounts under the same platform at the same time and with different positions were maliciously liquidated more than once.

Exness. Two accounts under the same platform at the same time and with different positions were maliciously liquidated more than once.



[Amount] $400(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-04 09:26


FXTM deliberately made excuses not to withdraw money

I found the official website of FXTM in November 2023 and opened a cent account. I deposited 100 US dollars and traded for 3 months. The net value of the account was 114 US dollars. In early February 2024, FXTM sent an email saying that it would close the cent account, I had to withdraw money. But when withdrawing money, FXTM insisted that I need to provide all my work experience from 2006 to 2024 this year to prove that I am the account holder. I have been freelancing since I resigned in 2016. When I opened the account, the work status I filled in was "employed." Since I could only provide my work experience from 2006 to 2016, I could not provide my work experience after 2016. Then FXTM used this as an excuse, saying that it could not prove that I was the account owner, and then refused to withdraw money.



[Amount] $114(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-01 16:49


Unable to close position

It suddenly became impossible to close the position during normal trading at the opening of Monday. You can modify the stop loss, but after the modification, the order cannot be placed, and the stop loss slipped 6 pips.



[Amount] $1,453(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-31 15:56


Unable to withdraw

No money can be withdrawn from this black platform. Liar. Don’t trust this platform anymore.



[Amount] $403(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-31 10:45


The money earned is directly deducted, so you can only lose money but not make money.

All money earned is directly erased, as long as it is money earned. This platform can only make losses but not profits.


Windsor BrokersWindsor Brokers

[Amount] $848(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-31 10:26


Platform salesperson did false propaganda! Guide me to using an escrow account to custody my trades! Liquidation! Trader contact information is now out of service! No one is responsible!

Platform salesperson did false propaganda! Guide me to using an escrow account to custody my trades! Liquidation! Trader contact information is now out of service! No one is responsible! The salesman doesn’t care anymore! I hope the platform will be in charge of this matter! Ask the salesperson to tell me the trader’s new contact information to solve this matter!



[Amount] $4,050(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-29 19:44


I cannot withdraw money if I made a profit

I was deceived by the EC platform. I have personal experience. I deposited 10,000 US dollars and won 14,000 US dollars. The total account balance is about 33,000 US dollars. The first time I made a withdrawal of 6,800 US dollars, I was told that it was a poisonous traffic order, so my account backend was closed directly, and I couldn’t log into my account.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $33,918(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-03-29 07:48


The price of gold is unstable, causing us to lose

Why on March 21, gold on all exchanges could reach 2220 but only exness couldn't? I should have hit TP but I couldn't, causing me to lose more than $500.



[Amount] $680(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-28 07:13


No withdrawal, accounts were frozen

I trade in cxm, and my friend and I have a total of 12 numbers. After trading for a few days, all of our accounts were suddenly locked on Sunday and the balances were reset to zero. They also said that commissions were maliciously used on our account, and not only were profits not given, but the principal was not refunded. Each account has a deposit of $5,000. The maximum withdrawal amount was 2,000 US dollars, and there are accounts that have not withdrawn a single cent, and all the principal has not been refunded. It is a black platform, and now they are planning to call the police. Evidence is as follows:


CXM TradingCXM Trading

[Amount] $5,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-27 14:15


mt4 standard account automatically opens a position

This morning I opened the market and took a look. All the gold orders in my hand were short. Then I went to play with my mobile phone. When I looked again, I found it inexplicably opened a long order. I definitely didn’t open the position myself, and there was no accidental touch. There is no EA on the computer, and the following signal does not open a long order. This is already the fifth time. The first three times I thought it was because I accidentally opened a position or my password was leaked, and I even changed my password. This time today it was definitely not me doing it. When I asked the official, they said that I placed the order myself because of the IP address. I swear to God that it is definitely their problem. This is a scam platform.



[Amount] $0(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-27 14:15


Violent fluctuations, false fluctuations

I have looked at many mt4 terminals but this is not the case. Is this exness deliberately creating large fluctuations to hit the customer's stop loss? Looking at the pictures, they are all 1h charts, and the last one is exness.



[Amount] $0(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-27 14:15


Severe slippage

The slippage problem is serious, and I don’t agree with the customer service’s reason given in the email. When the price fluctuates to 2051 and the stop loss is triggered, the position closing should be calculated around this price. It cannot stop loss at this price. It is the fault of the platform. If the price jumps directly to 2054, and there are no other quotes such as 2051 in the middle, then I can accept the result of this gap slippage. However, according to the price tick history provided by the platform website, there is a corresponding price. Due to the delay in the execution of the order, the transaction was not executed at the triggering stop loss price.



[Amount] $370(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-27 14:15


February 13 more than 160 spread orders were liquidated.

Ridiculous. At 9:30 pm on February 13, the gold order was liquidated at 2033.26. The highest gold price was only 2031.67. More than 160 points spread in such a small data market, nonsense.



[Amount] $500(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-27 14:15


Proof provided but still can't fucking withdrawal

It's just a scam paltform, without service support, many excuses and no withdrawal. How could such a platform be rated so good? I really don't know.



[Amount] $370(USD)

Turkey Turkey 2024-03-27 10:56


withdraw money

I can't get paid, I can't withdraw my moneyI worked as a partner and they didn't pay me the wages I deserved.



[Amount] $21(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-03-27 10:45


Order closing is not correct

Yesterday I bought a xauusd order at the price 2028.603.and placed sl 2028.603.toi in the 0.01 order. When I heard the news, I lost 9.96 USD. I DEMAND SAN TO COMPENSATE ME



[Amount] $7(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-26 18:05


[Exposed!] Unscrupulous platform ATFX freezes withdrawals

First, the platform blocks users from withdrawing money for various reasons. Currently, users are unable to withdraw money. To withdraw money, you need to contact the platform customer service. Second, all deposits to ATFX are made to personal accounts and do not arrive in supervised accounts. Third, freeze platform agent withdrawals, and agents are also not allowed to withdraw. Investment is all hard-earned money, please stay away!



[Amount] $7,128(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-23 09:56


Gold slippage, position liquidated

The slippage of gold was very large, causing my position to be liquidated. The market price in 2029 slid to 2030.91, and then the price reached the 2007 price in less than 1 minute.



[Amount] $800(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-03-22 23:57


Withdrawal was deducted

What a piece of shit, you make a profit, they don’t give withdrawal, and deduct all your earnings.



[Amount] $6,637(USD)


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