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United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 239 600 8116


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Sanfrix · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Sanfrix
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2017
Regulation Unregulated
Customer Support;Phone:+1 239 600 8116

Overview of Sanfrix

Sanfrix, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, is a private trading company founded in 2017 . Specializing in turnkey trading solutions for Forex brokerages and cryptocurrency exchanges, Sanfrix offers a range of services including infrastructure upgrades, consulting, company formation, brokerage licensing, banking solutions, website development, and custom development.

Operating actively in the financial sector, particularly within banking, consulting, cryptocurrency, customer service, and financial services industries, Sanfrix serves as a notable player among similar companies in the Northeastern US and the Greater Boston area.

Despite the lack of recent news or activity updates, the company continues to engage with the market through its comprehensive suite of services.

Overview of Sanfrix

Is Sanfrix Legit or a Scam?

Sanfrix is unregulated, meaning it does not fall under the formal oversight of financial regulatory bodies. This status can present various risks to its clients, as regulatory oversight typically guarantees compliance with operational standards, financial transparency, and protection of client funds.

Without such regulatory safeguards, clients of Sanfrix will encounter increased risks concerning the security and safety of their investments and transactions with the company.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Comprehensive Service Offering Unregulated Status
Strategic Location Limited Public Information
High Industry Competition
Focused on a Niche Market
Inaccessible Website


  1. Comprehensive Service Offering: Sanfrix provides a broad range of services including infrastructure upgrades, consulting, company formation, brokerage licensing, banking solutions, website development, and custom development. This extensive service suite makes it a versatile choice for businesses looking to enter or expand within the Forex and cryptocurrency trading sectors.

  2. Strategic Location: Based in the Greater Boston area, Sanfrix benefits from being situated in a significant financial hub of the East Coast. This location offers access to a vibrant financial ecosystem, rich in talent and potential institutional partnerships, enhancing its operational capabilities


  1. Unregulated Status: Lacking formal regulation poses significant risks, such as potential non-compliance with operational standards, inadequate financial transparency, and insufficient protection of client funds. Clients will face greater risks concerning the security and integrity of their transactions and investments.

  2. Limited Public Information: The absence of recent news and activity updates could indicate a lack of transparency or a static phase in the company's growth or innovation cycles, making it difficult for potential clients or partners to gauge the company's current status and reliability.

  3. High Industry Competition: Sanfrix is part of the highly competitive sectors of Forex brokerage and cryptocurrency exchanges where numerous established companies already exist. This intense competition can make it difficult for Sanfrix to capture significant market share, potentially hindering its business growth and financial performance in the face of established rivals.

  4. Focused on a Niche Market: Sanfrix specializes primarily in Forex and cryptocurrency trading solutions, which targets a specific segment of the broader financial services market. While this focus allows for specialized expertise, it may also limit the company's opportunities to diversify its services and revenue streams across other potentially lucrative areas of finance, thereby affecting its long-term growth and scalability.

  5. Inaccessible Website: The inability to access Sanfrix's website ( could significantly hinder potential clients' ability to obtain information, engage with services, or initiate contact. This barrier may reduce the company's visibility and operational effectiveness, impacting client acquisition and retention.

Customer Support

Sanfrix offers customer support primarily through two channels: email and phone. Clients and potential clients can reach out via email at for queries, support requests, or additional information regarding their services. Alternatively, they can contact Sanfrix by phone at +1 239 600 8116.


Sanfrix stands out as a key provider of US trading solutions for Forex brokerages and cryptocurrency exchanges.

While offering a broad range of services and enjoying the strategic advantages of its location, Sanfrix faces challenges due to its unregulated status and highly competitive market.

Despite these hurdles, the company maintains accessible customer support, positioning itself as a notable player in the financial services sector.


Question 1. What services does Sanfrix provide?

Answer:Sanfrix offers a variety of services tailored to the financial sector, including infrastructure upgrades, consulting, company formation, brokerage licensing, banking solutions, website development, and custom development. These services are designed to support businesses in Forex brokerage and cryptocurrency exchange markets.

Question 2. How can I contact Sanfrix for more information or support?

Answer:Sanfrix can be contacted through their customer support email at or by phone at +1 239 600 8116. These channels provide direct access to assistance for service inquiries, support, or further information about their offerings.

Risk Warning

Sanfrix is an unregulated entity providing trading solutions for Forex and cryptocurrency markets. Engaging with Sanfrix could expose clients to risks such as inadequate operational standards and insufficient protection of funds due to the lack of regulatory oversight. Clients are advised to proceed with caution and conduct their own due diligence.

Broker Information

Company Name

Sanfrix Ltd

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +1 239 600 8116





Company address








Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
Sanfrifx’s site is confusing and difficult to navigate, but thank you, Jonathan, a support guy is great, offering me much assistance during my short-time stay here. Overall, this broker is not my type.
2023-03-03 11:25
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