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Simplex Asset Management

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Simplex Asset Management Co., Ltd.

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Simplex Asset Management

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Simplex Asset Management · Company Summary

Company Name Simplex Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Location Japan
Establishment Year 1999
Structure Holding Company (since 2006)
Client Base Financial Institutions, Corporations, High-Net-Worth Individuals
Regulatory Oversight Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Core Focus Hedge Fund and Investment Management
Primary Objective Delivering Superior Returns
Expertise Global Expertise with Domestic and International Experience
Risk Management Strong Emphasis on Risk Mitigation
Transparency Transparent Investment Products
Client Support Comprehensive Client Assistance
ESG Integration Incorporation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria
Dynamic Allocation Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategies
Tailored Solutions Customized Investment Offerings
Website Limited Information on the Website
Customer Support Accessible via
Privacy and Security Prioritizes Client Data Privacy and Security
Feedback Encouraged Actively Seeks Client Feedback for Improvement
Commitment to Excellence Dedication to Exceptional Service and Results


Simplex Asset Management Co., Ltd. is a prominent and independent hedge fund and investment management firm located in Japan. With a history dating back to its establishment in 1999 and its subsequent transition to a holding company structure in 2006, Simplex Asset Management has evolved into a leading player in the industry, with a strong emphasis on its core business.

The firm caters to a diverse client base that includes financial institutions, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals across the globe. Simplex Asset Management is driven by its primary objective of delivering superior returns to its clients. They hold a steadfast commitment to maintaining professional quality and responsibility in all their endeavors on behalf of their clients.

What sets Simplex Asset Management apart is its unwavering focus on its people, recognizing that their team members are their most valuable assets. The firm goes to great lengths to identify and recruit top talent, ensuring that professionals with both domestic and global experience are part of their dedicated workforce. This expert team plays a pivotal role in helping clients achieve their investment objectives.

Simplex Asset Management is dedicated to maximizing clients' returns and earning their trust. To achieve these goals, the firm employs cutting-edge financial skills, adheres to strict compliance standards, and employs sophisticated risk management capabilities. This commitment to excellence underscores their mission to deliver exceptional service and results for their valued clientele.



Simplex Asset Management operates within a regulatory framework overseen by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA is responsible for ensuring that financial institutions and investment firms adhere to established rules and regulations in order to maintain the integrity and stability of the financial markets. As a regulated entity, Simplex Asset Management is required to comply with the FSA's guidelines and standards to safeguard the interests of its clients and the broader financial community, thereby promoting transparency and trust within the financial industry. This regulatory oversight helps to mitigate risks and fosters an environment of responsible and accountable financial management within the organization.

Simplex Asset Management

Pros and Cons

Simplex Asset Management offers numerous advantages, including a strong focus on delivering superior returns, a diverse client base, and a commitment to professionalism. Their emphasis on transparency, robust risk management, and comprehensive client support enhances the client experience. The inclusion of dynamic asset allocation strategies and tailored solutions caters to individual client needs. However, limitations in website information and the level of detail on ESG integration are areas for improvement. Some clients may find their investment products potentially complex. Nevertheless, Simplex Asset Management's overall strengths make it a notable player in the industry.

Pros Cons
Strong Focus on Client Returns Limited Website Information
Diverse Client Base Limited ESG Integration Details
Emphasis on Professionalism Potential Complexity in Products
Global Expertise
Robust Risk Management
Transparency in Investment Products
Comprehensive Client Support
Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategies
Tailored Solutions
Regulatory Compliance
Strong Recruitment of Top Talent


Simplex Asset Management offers a range of investment products tailored to diverse client objectives:

  1. Global Diversification: Their investment solutions often include global diversification, allowing clients to access opportunities across different regions and asset classes. This can help mitigate risks associated with concentrated investments in a single market.

  2. Risk Management: Simplex Asset Management places a strong emphasis on risk management within their product strategies. They employ various risk mitigation techniques to protect client portfolios from adverse market movements.

  3. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Integration: In response to growing demand for socially responsible investing, they may incorporate ESG criteria into their investment processes, aligning investments with ethical and sustainable considerations.

  4. Performance Monitoring: Clients benefit from regular performance updates and reports, allowing them to track the progress of their investments and make adjustments if necessary.

  5. Dynamic Asset Allocation: Some of their products may offer dynamic asset allocation strategies that adapt to changing market conditions. This flexibility can be advantageous in navigating volatile market environments.

  6. Education and Resources: Simplex Asset Management may provide educational resources and insights to help clients make informed investment decisions and stay informed about market trends.

  7. Tailored Solutions: They work closely with clients to create tailored investment solutions that align with their specific financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizons.

  8. Sustainable Investing: For clients interested in sustainable and impact investing, Simplex Asset Management may offer products that align with environmental and social responsibility principles.


Customer Support

Simplex Asset Management's customer support, accessible via, offers efficient and timely assistance. Clients can expect prompt responses with professionalism and expertise. The team handles a range of inquiries, from investment-related questions to problem resolution. Privacy and security are priorities, and feedback is encouraged for continuous improvement. Clients may also receive pertinent updates through this channel. For specific contact information and guidelines, clients can refer to the company's website or account management portal.


Simplex Asset Management Co., Ltd. is a well-established and independent hedge fund and investment management firm headquartered in Japan. Since its inception in 1999 and transition to a holding company structure in 2006, it has grown to become a prominent player in the industry. The company serves a diverse client base, including financial institutions, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals globally, with a primary focus on delivering superior returns. Their commitment to professionalism and responsibility is evident in their dedicated team of experts, both domestic and global, who play a pivotal role in helping clients achieve their investment objectives. Simplex Asset Management operates under the regulatory oversight of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), adhering to strict guidelines to ensure transparency and trust within the financial industry.

The firm's investment products are characterized by global diversification, robust risk management, transparency, and comprehensive client support services. They offer dynamic asset allocation strategies, education, and tailored solutions to meet clients' specific financial goals. Additionally, they may integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria for socially responsible investing. Simplex Asset Management's customer support, accessible via, is responsive and professional, addressing inquiries and providing timely assistance while prioritizing privacy and security. Feedback is encouraged to continually improve their services, and clients can also receive pertinent updates through this channel. While the website offers limited information, the firm's commitment to excellence and client satisfaction remains evident in its comprehensive range of services and dedication to responsible financial management.


Q1: What services does Simplex Asset Management offer?

A1: Simplex Asset Management provides hedge fund and investment management services to a diverse clientele, including financial institutions, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals, aiming to deliver superior returns.

Q2: How long has Simplex Asset Management been in operation?

A2: Simplex Asset Management was founded in 1999 and transitioned to a holding company structure in 2006, boasting a substantial history in the industry.

Q3: Who regulates Simplex Asset Management?

A3: Simplex Asset Management is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), ensuring compliance with established rules and regulations for the financial markets.

Q4: What sets Simplex Asset Management apart from its competitors?

A4: Simplex Asset Management differentiates itself through its focus on recruiting top talent, global expertise, risk management, transparency, and tailored solutions to meet client objectives.

Q5: How can clients contact Simplex Asset Management's customer support?

A5: Clients can reach out to Simplex Asset Management's customer support team via email at, where they can expect prompt and professional assistance for their inquiries and needs.

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more than one year
I'm a novice trader and was quite confused about which broker to choose. I opted for Simplex Asset Management. After registering, their customer support called me, providing a thorough walkthrough of how their platform operates. They demonstrated asset management processes, which was helpful for a first-time registrant like me. The customer service takes the time to educate you, a valuable aspect for beginners.
2024-01-15 23:55
more than one year
Simplex Asset Management is disappointing. I've been facing issues with withdrawals, and their customer service seems to be adept at avoiding addressing the problem. It's frustrating how they consistently come up with excuses, prolonging the process.
2023-12-25 19:34
more than one year
Simplex Asset is an excellent platform for asset management and other financial services. As someone who values security and reliability, I appreciate that this platform is regulated, ensuring that my investments are in safe hands. I have had a positive experience with their services and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a trustworthy investment platform.
2023-03-23 18:06
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